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Bad drop

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Fri, Mar 15 2013 10:43 AM (3 replies)
  • theparman4
    23 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 1:40 PM

    About a week ago I was playing the February 18 hole tournament at Kiawah. On 17 the ball came up short and out in the water even though I had plenty of club and moved the flag off the green on the left because the was a right to left 12mph wind. In all fairness I did just pairly miss the ping on the right de so I chalked it up to bad luck or an anomaly of the game. the game had just taken a ball out of play, so I lost a brand new ball which did irritate me.

    The drop was the problem. It dropped me on the other side of the water on the pedestrian path in a n10 to 15% sand lie. I know where that is because I have walked up that path myself. It was a 75 yard shot, which I also think was an error. I used a 90 yard club full and it dropped in the water about 30 yards shot. New ball lost. I went to a 110 yard club. Hit it perfect, on the ping again, dropped me in the water about 30 yards short. New ball lost! #1. This is not a legitimate drop area.At least I didn't see anybody during 4 rounds drop it their during the tournament this year. #2 It was apparently a place where their was no recovery, i.e. I was not going to lose more than 3 brand new balls to find ou, and there was no where to "bail out". #3 If WGT is going to put players in positions to not recover and lose balls (money!) its not acceptable. I was so mad I havent played in over a week. I know my play is of small conequence in the big scheme of WGT, but come on. I have played real golf for over 40 years and this type of thing does not happen.

    Would probably had bought 2 more sleeves of balls by now if I had been playing so that cost WGT money! Just saying.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,610 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 6:06 PM

    I played the Ocean course a number of times, the drop area should be on the front of the tee box.   This is one of many bad drops that WGT does in many places, the 11th hole at Congressional is another example, you get dropped across the creek in deep rough if you go into the water right of the green.

  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Tue, Mar 12 2013 8:21 AM

    My favorite drop to date is on CCC #11 after hitting into the pond on the right. It dropped me on the right side of the pond, which is acceptable. But it dropped me right behind the two trees, which is not acceptable.

    So WGT, you're telling me if I'm playing that hole in real life and hit it in the water, I'm going to physically drop the ball directly behind a tree that is straight in line with the flag?


  • TarheelsRule
    5,610 Posts
    Fri, Mar 15 2013 10:43 AM

    Well many problems with the WGT drops.  You have none of the options that exist in real golf, you basically take what they give you on WGT.

    I played another game a few years back, might have been Links, that allowed you to drop similar to how you do in real golf, you had the option similar to how real golf works.  I realize that the dropping of a golf ball back into play is pretty complex due to the number of variables, but there are at least a dozen places that I have seen that WGT puts you in a bad spot when you drop.