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Re: site controls putting

rated by 0 users
Mon, Mar 4 2013 5:47 PM (15 replies)
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  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 9:09 AM

    Vem should be eliminated, totally unfair, unpredictable bs. WGT needs to come up with a better way to combat cheaters without ruining the game for the rest of us.
    I've been bit quite a few times but I take it - gives the game a "live" feeling (but I don't like to be metered).

    Without randomness, it would be nothing but a sterile & 100% predictable game program.

  • rickjarnagin1964
    3 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 5:47 PM

    Wow, I'm happy to see the members standing up and making complaints, Random WGT ICON  says,  Yeah Right, hows random is this, every game I play, if the meter don't get me in the tee box, your site  makes sure my putts come up short. I have my screen marked and I know my distances,  My wife is having the same problem while she plays on here, And don't insult my intelligence by saying it's my computer or browser and or my connection. Furthermore, I don't think the problem is there for the reason to combat cheaters, but there to generate more revenue. Far too many people are having the same problems and they just keep getting worst. Greed has over taken WGT and we all know it. My wife said she will not play on here again and I have requested my account be canceled. And if the SO Called VEM is there to stop cheaters from playing, well they got screwed big time. Because there's a lot of cheaters creating more accounts everyday, I'v been making a list of these cheaters as I play and look at their stats and I view all their activity history, and it's easy to tell who the cheats are.  So in conclusion I have determined the problem is a serious one that needs to be fixed a.s.a.p.. Everyone should stick together and just quit  playing completely, because their not going to stop this problem.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 5:54 PM


    Vem should be eliminated, totally unfair, unpredictable bs. WGT needs to come up with a better way to combat cheaters without ruining the game for the rest of us.
    I've been bit quite a few times but I take it - gives the game a "live" feeling (but I don't like to be metered).

    Without randomness, it would be nothing but a sterile & 100% predictable game program.

    I partially agree, however the randomness should not negate the laws of physics, introduce gusting wind (but show the 'meter' fluttering), introduce heightened hook / slice when you miss the ding, but make sure the mistake is in the 'correct' direction. 

    VEM appears to allow a dinged shot to go totally against the wind, it appears to allow a 50yd aproach to go 100yds, it appears to allow a slice missding to hook. This all makes WGT look stupid.

    Randomness yes, but it has to have some form of logic (apart from the logic 'they'll never beat this one').


  • why9
    907 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 6:14 PM



    Nothing changed in the last update in regard to that. We do not control putting or any other shots. Yes, there is an element of randomness, but that's exactly what it is, random.



     but when a business deceives its customers and screws as many as it can in order to  make financial  gain  by telling lies or  not revealing  the truth  is in my  opinion  run and  organised  by crooks.


    This game has gone to crap since the last update

  • tiger319
    1,186 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 6:20 PM

    VEM should only be put on the guys/girls that shoot steady 50's. Seriously I've only shot a 58 twice and there are people on here shooting low 50's regularly. VEM is stupid and shouldn't ever affect lower tiered players. I can handle it being at Legend tier (although I don't like it)!!! But come on WGT!!! Zero in on the people who cheat!! I don't cheat and never will..  A cheater is a thief.. 

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 11:52 PM

    that what CJ said is almost same what i mean, with an addition. in my experience, when i get illogical result of shotting, that happened cause wind pointer is in fake position or unexpected speed on green (last night, putter shot stopped at 60-70% expected distance, usual place, usual power, unusual result. friendly game. no

    it would be nice if something could to warn us when VEM coming (like sound of bird or girl passing over the playground). we could try to change something in our shot. and finally, if result is not good - that partially happened with some kind of our decision. 

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