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Re: A Query

rated by 0 users
Mon, Mar 4 2013 5:05 AM (2 replies)
  • glanden
    12 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 4:57 AM

    Well havent posted before even though been here for awhile, and always read the forums. Question is I finally made it to legend status (now I have to learn again) after being on TM for sometme. My average dropped from playing matchplay most of the week down to 60.90 or thereabouts, so I figure thats how I got to legend but after I checked after a couple ore games which wee only on par my average has jmped up to 69.

    Does anyone no why the big jump up?

    Why does matchplay bring you down so quick?

    WGT although tired of buying the balls upgrading clubs etc etc, still a great game for me to spend spare time on. You are a business after all and Im paying for the service. Keep up the good work

  • 7thwave
    556 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 5:03 AM

    Avg. resetes in new tier. It will saturate again in 500 ranked rounds. The 69 comes from:


    03.04.13  March 18-hole Unlimited Play  Full 18     Legend   69

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 5:05 AM


    Does anyone no why the big jump up?

    Why does matchplay bring you down so quick?

    Your average resets when you move up in tiers and will fluctuate until you saturate it by posting 500 ranked rounds as a Legend.

    Beating Legends in matchplay is what brought your average down to the Legend level. This is a WGT move made to combat sandbagging.