Hi there. I am looking for an active club. I am a fairly new to get the game and looking to enhance my playing experience by sharing it with familiar people. Hopefully there is a club out there for me. If you are in a club that is active or can suggest one I would be grateful. Just want a bit of banter really and advice from senior players.
Hi. I sent you a CC invite but if you wish to know more about my CC first , just click on this link :
ROYAL LAVAL GOLF CLUB is now open :)
check it out and you decide. Thx
ps : this one is also a good CC :
Very nice of you to recommend another CC Caroline :)
Loving the community spirit :)
Caroline is a lovely person. Her club is damned good too.
courteneyfish: Caroline is a lovely person. Her club is damned good too.
I'm sure she is Courteney :))
BOTH your CC's have great reputations.
If I can get mine established anywhere near as good, I'll be a very happy Kanga :))
SK :)
SuperKanga: BOTH your CC's have great reputations. If I can get mine established anywhere near as good, I'll be a very happy Kanga :))
really ? ...my CC has great reputation ? ...cool ! ...i didn't know that
if you are a nice and respectfull person as you seem to be , your CC will also be a good one so gl.
Thanks for giving me an invite. I am enjoying being in your club, and yes, you have some good cordial players. Would be great to play with you at some point as well since your presence is missed at the 19th hole.
carolineRobert: really ? ...my CC has great reputation ? ...cool ! ...i didn't know that if you are a nice and respectfull person as you seem to be , your CC will also be a good one so gl.
Yes it does Caroline,
and thank you for your kind comment :))
Rob :))