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Re: Opinions please

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Thu, Mar 7 2013 10:11 AM (10 replies)
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  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 10:11 AM

    A completely unscientific survey. Since so many are fed up with changes, baggers, lack of courses, RG issues, cancellation of gift cards, lack of corporate response, is the question. If WGT did away with upgraded balls, clubs, avatars, etc...and made everyone play with the same clubs/balls (a little above starter) and from the same tees, etc...but, made 5 or 6 new courses a year...would you pay $10 a month to play any courses (unlimited play)...or, $5 a month to play just the basic 4 or 5 courses....or would you not? Perhaps you could still buy credits to wager in skins, MPC or tourneys. Not advocating any subscription system or anything like that...just curious.

    Good ideas in part but they would never even come close to satisfying less than ¼ of the 6 million members I would guess?  However, by expanding your ideas and that would call for significant and sweeping changes; it could make it a lot more fun, fair and affordable for the vast majority of players.  So instead of just having Everyone play with the same clubs and balls etc., WGT could divide the site into 2 or 3 Categories of members. For example, have One Category of players who want to use the same Equipment, Balls but Slower Swing Meter Speed etc. except use the Best equipment and balls, not "a little above starter".  Otherwise, like Renniw52 said, we would all be Hacks again and that ain't no fun as we All learned. :)  With this Category, you could then 'do away with' all the Tiers and Levels and the player Searches would be So Much Easier and Faster.

    Then you could have a Second Category of players who want varying tee box distances, green and wind speeds and even Swing Meter Speeds such as Slow, Regular and Fast.  But base All the Tournaments, CTTH Sweeps and Challenges on each of the 3 Swing Meter Speeds, so everyone has a fair chance to compete and WIN at the speed they are more skilled with.  With this Category, you could still 'do away with' all the Tiers and Levels but the player Searches would have choices of different tee box distances, green and wind speeds as well as the 3 Swing Meter Speeds.

    Then just keep things the way they are now as the Third category.

    And I like the idea of a $5 or less monthly fee for all Categories, if feasible, whether you play or not.  Even at $3 per month; that is 6 million times $3 = $18 million PER MONTH!  That's not chump change and that doesn't even include the profits from the 'Gambling' aspect of the site and Sponsors and God knows what else. :)  But if their actual revenue is far more than $18 million/mo., don't expect changes of any kind except higher costs perhaps?  As for adding 5 or 6 new courses each year, I doubt they have enough qualified programmers to do that nor want to do that nor would want to spend the time and money on such a huge undertaking.  Besides, they still aren't maintaining or fixing many bugs in the 18-hole courses they have now, from what I've seen?  I could be wrong though?  So I'm almost certain they wouldn't want the added avalanche of complaints about another 5 or 6 courses Every year as well? ;)  And I'm even more certain WGT probably wouldn't want to field the many thousands more complaints plus the cost of more staff to deal with them?  Anyway that's just my opinion and I'm basically agreeing with you but by Times 3 at least, with regard to changes and improvements and there are still many more positive changes that could be made.  That's just the tip of the iceberg per se but again, it's WGT's prerogative to do or not do whatever they want no matter what we say.  It's still a great online game with or without our whining. :)



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