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Opinions please

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Thu, Mar 7 2013 10:11 AM (10 replies)
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  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 12:20 PM
    A completely unscientific survey. Since so many are fed up with changes, baggers, lack of courses, RG issues, cancellation of gift cards, lack of corporate response, is the question. If WGT did away with upgraded balls, clubs, avatars, etc...and made everyone play with the same clubs/balls (a little above starter) and from the same tees, etc...but, made 5 or 6 new courses a year...would you pay $10 a month to play any courses (unlimited play)...or, $5 a month to play just the basic 4 or 5 courses....or would you not? Perhaps you could still buy credits to wager in skins, MPC or tourneys. Not advocating any subscription system or anything like that...just curious.
  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 12:52 PM

    I would pay $10 a month for the extra courses, and for everyone to use the same equipment and balls, after all there's nothing to stop a total novice going into a golf/pro shop and purchasing the all singing all dancing clubs and balls and then not be able to hit a cows ar$e with a shovel.

    With everyone on a level playing field it would all come down to skill which as in real life is bought about by practise!!

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 1:37 PM

    WGT will never do it. Now my opinion, I agree that if you want and have the money to spend, then you should be able to buy what ever the hell you want. Again, going back to realism with real golf. I am almost 61, have lost my power and precision in my real golf game. Non the less I have over $2200.00 worth of golf clubs in my bag. I just bought a new $409.00 driver, and Dicks Sporting goods did not ask what level or tier I was. they let me swing it a few times in the booth and gladly took my money. The bad part of your suggestion is, no one would ever play a ranked round, we would all be hacks, playing from the kiddie tees with a driver that could over drive every par 4, and damn near reach the par 5's. This site would be in shambles and soon gone. Balls would cost 50.00 a sleeve to make up for the lost income from buying new clubs at every new level they re available. It is pay to play enough already, please don't give WGT any more ideas. You asked for opinions, this is mine.

  • DDRoss1
    1,809 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 1:43 PM


    WGT will never do it. Now my opinion, I agree that if you want and have the money to spend, then you should be able to buy what ever the hell you want. Again, going back to realism with real golf. I am almost 61, have lost my power and precision in my real golf game. Non the less I have over $2200.00 worth of golf clubs in my bag. I just bought a new $409.00 driver, and Dicks Sporting goods did not ask what level or tier I was. they let me swing it a few times in the booth and gladly took my money. The bad part of your suggestion is, no one would ever play a ranked round, we would all be hacks, playing from the kiddie tees with a driver that could over drive every par 4, and damn near reach the par 5's. This site would be in shambles and soon gone. Balls would cost 50.00 a sleeve to make up for the lost income from buying new clubs at every new level they re available. It is pay to play enough already, please don't give WGT any more ideas. You asked for opinions, this is mine.

    IMO, if WGT really wanted nothing but to make money, no matter the courses, why not open up a wider variety in the Pro Shop, wheres Titlelist, Bridgestone balls, where are new Callys woods and Irons, Where is Wilson Staff, Cobra Golf, and other great manufactures you get no shot of using, maybe due to WGT not being able to strike a deal with this companies, or maybe they dont want to make more money in my opinion and give us a wide open option, btw just hit the G25s at Dicks, they are phenomenal, and the R1 Driver is off the hook, so is the new Callaway Driver, i would gladly pay more credits to have the clubs and balls i want, not the ones i have no choice but to pick.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 2:12 PM
    This post has been deleted.
  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 4:35 PM


    WGT will never do it. Now my opinion, I agree that if you want and have the money to spend, then you should be able to buy what ever the hell you want. Again, going back to realism with real golf. I am almost 61, have lost my power and precision in my real golf game. Non the less I have over $2200.00 worth of golf clubs in my bag. I just bought a new $409.00 driver, and Dicks Sporting goods did not ask what level or tier I was. they let me swing it a few times in the booth and gladly took my money. The bad part of your suggestion is, no one would ever play a ranked round, we would all be hacks, playing from the kiddie tees with a driver that could over drive every par 4, and damn near reach the par 5's. This site would be in shambles and soon gone. Balls would cost 50.00 a sleeve to make up for the lost income from buying new clubs at every new level they re available. It is pay to play enough already, please don't give WGT any more ideas. You asked for opinions, this is mine.

    Renn...I wasn't making a was just a curiosity...and as far as your answer being your opinion....that's exactly what I was looking for. The beauty of opinions is...they're never wrong...because they are opinions.   I wasn't suggesting that WGT do anything, but was curious as to whether players would continue if the whole site was a level playing field...same middle tees...same balls, same green speeds, same clubs...etc. and would pay a monthly fee to play it that way. Credits could be bought to pay for challenges and skins and tourney's...but, that's it.  Average and tier wouldn't really matter other than to show someone how much someone played...since bagging would be tougher on the same equipment and balls. 

    As for real golf...anyone can buy anything as you mention...but, except for a select few players that are probably single digit players...does you having a Nike Covert or an R1 really give you the size of advantage it does here over any other average Joe. Buy a set of R11 irons here or an ATV wedge and suddenly, you can be awesome...doesn't work that way on a real course. 

    My point being...this is a game and I was curious as to what players would do if the site were set up that way...subscription for monthly play..more courses...same weapons.

  • JackTaylor
    225 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 6:18 PM

    Why not make a hybrid site or tourny section like they do for CTTH, Stroke, country clubs and have it be fixed equipment? 

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 10:46 PM

    i'd pay for a no credit game - all gear free and equal for all.......on a monthly basis.  just earn achievements to unlock things.......

    corruption as we know it would end

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 6:49 AM

    A completely unscientific survey. Since so many are fed up with changes, baggers, lack of courses, RG issues, cancellation of gift cards, lack of corporate response, is the question. If WGT did away with upgraded balls, clubs, avatars, etc...and made everyone play with the same clubs/balls (a little above starter) and from the same tees, etc...but, made 5 or 6 new courses a year...would you pay $10 a month to play any courses (unlimited play)...or, $5 a month to play just the basic 4 or 5 courses....or would you not? Perhaps you could still buy credits to wager in skins, MPC or tourneys. Not advocating any subscription system or anything like that...just curious.


    "IMO" Most if not all those complaints revolve around playing games for credits or wagering. That's the problem that needs to be elininated. Rarely does anyone say boo boo hoo happened while I was playing for fun. If the wagering games were gone, the complaints that revolve around them would go too. Frankly I think we have gambling addicted people playing here in large numbers.

    To directly answer the question... nope. I promised my wife, and myself,  I wouldn't put out a cent to play the "free game" here and so far I haven't. The sponsors have paid for all my equipment and GB's. I don't play wager games and I'm happy as a clam at high tide with the site and the game play. They start charging to play, I'm out of here.

  • puttersman
    240 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 7:19 AM

    I would not play this game under your suggested format, I think all equip should be available to anyone who has the credits to buy them, regardless of their level of play.This is not a free game if you wish to be competitive.

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