First of all, this game as brought me much pleasure and I have met many wonderful online pals to play with or against.
I've been playing WGT for just under a year and the real game since 1971. I also was an avid player of Links 386 years ago. Although that game did not have the stunning digital photography that WGT has, it in many ways played more realistically. Adding uneven lies is step in the right direction.
Here is my wish list of improvements I would like to see. Some are just that, a wish. Others are things WGT got wrong and should try to address in order to make the game as realistic as possible.
1) Order of play. The person farthest from the hole is away. It does not matter if they are on the green or not. This is a commonly misunderstood rule of golf.
2) Fairway bunkers are too penal, the rough not penal enough. How often do you see pros "punching" a 3W or hybrid out of US Open rough? Fairway bunkers are rarely an issue for them and often provide clean lies, allowing them to hit greens from a couple hundred yards out. Around the greens, they much prefer bunkers as they can spin the ball. With WGT, balls ROLLING into fairway bunkers often leave a buried (40-50%) lie and little chance to advance it further than 100 yards. Compared to the real game, WGT has recovery from bunkers and rough backwards.
3) Fades and draws. We need a way to work the ball left to right and right to left. I know about the trick to aim way right and missing the ding way left to jury-rig a draw. It will work off the tee with the right wind. I'm talking about an actual feature, like the dot on the ball moving side to side, not just up and down. Links 386 was so advanced you could open or close your clubface and swing in to out or out to in to vary the amount of shape.
4) Mulligans in practice mode. Why not? It would be nice to be able to repeat a shot and experiment in order to learn the endless combinations of short game shots, how to read greens and try different tee shots on tough driving holes. It will eat up ball life, which means more sales for WGT. I am not interested in a decorative golf bag or 12 pages of avatars, give us something useful!
5) Apply club rental fees to purchase of same item.
6) The option to play against a computer opponent or yourself (recorded game). You could do both of these things in Links, setting the skill level of the computer opponent.
7) Move the pins around. It's been a year since we got Olympic and it's the same pin locations every round.