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Re: Stuttering meter

Tue, Apr 9 2013 4:40 PM (52 replies)
  • TravisT3
    53 Posts
    Mon, Apr 8 2013 7:45 PM


    If so there is nothing you can do other then NEVER buy a laptop without a dedicated video card onboard and nothing that says Intel 3000/4000HD ect.

    But if you did not have room for a PC and had a "limited" budget that prevented you from buying the top-of-the-line laptop with all the newest whiz-bang gadgets---what would you recommend?

    Try this :

    Go into the game settings - Menu - game settings

    Display - change Flash quality to low

    Show  lesson tab - Off ( less stuff to render the better)

    Aerial Multicam - off  (Again takes  more of the load off the vid card/ cpu)

    Under the Audio tab  Mute Game - Sound Off  ( every little bit helps)

    If you clear your cache between games you will have to redo these settings.

    Download Gamebooster  and use it from the default settings if your not savvy with your computer.

    Hope that helps. Hit my wall up if you you need help



  • CWilliams11
    136 Posts
    Mon, Apr 8 2013 8:51 PM

    OK, So where are game settings? I looked but could not find it. Even went into my account. Sorry, still new.

  • TravisT3
    53 Posts
    Tue, Apr 9 2013 4:40 PM

    Open the the game as if you were going to play a round.

    Upper left corner, under your name click Menu.