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Re: Your "DING" Technique?

rated by 0 users
Wed, May 8 2013 7:18 PM (11 replies)
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  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Wed, May 8 2013 7:18 PM

    Pull the swing back, steady yourself, breathing nice and slow, follow the line down to the ding line moving your head closer to the screen as it gets closer and DINGALINGALING!

    Thats how i do it anyways.. some days im dinging 3/4 or 2/3 others about half

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Wed, May 8 2013 7:40 PM

    I know this sounds stupid and believe me, it's ignorant as hell.

    But my method for a ding every swing is the Rumplestiltskin method.

    I pull the powerbar up to the desired power, when I release the button I say


    Right when I say" Lives", I hit the ding.  It depends which ball I'm useing of course with a cheap ball I say it faster.

    I know it sounds idiotic but it works for me.

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