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Your "DING" Technique?

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Wed, May 8 2013 7:18 PM (11 replies)
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  • gerryniswonger
    1,890 Posts
    Wed, May 8 2013 6:14 AM

    For those of you that "Ding" the majority of your shots please give me some suggestions.  Do you watch the meter moving toward the "Ding" and guess when to click?  Do you find a specific spot on the meter and click at that specific point?  Do you do some kind of silent count while the meter is in motion?

    What works best for you?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, May 8 2013 6:52 AM

    The more you plan a technique the more you miss in my opinion. I find it better just to do your best. I don't ding that often anyway.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, May 8 2013 7:02 AM

    Some days better than other's, BUT don't over think it.  

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, May 8 2013 7:33 AM

    What works best for you?

    Doing it the same way every time. Like Jimbo says, don't overthink it but find what works for you and stick with it. I find what works best for me it to focus on the ding line and let the moving line come into your peripheral view. It helps you be consistent because now it's a timing thing-you're not thinking about following the line, you're thinking about the ding. Conceptualizing helps get you in the right mindset-see the result in your mind's eye. This also helps when you don't want to ding, like erring on the side of the wind or steering the shot.

    IRL you don't follow the club through the swing, you look at the target (ball.) Keep your head down and your eyes on the target.  It also helps to be quick at not swinging. Keeping your eyes focused on the target and reacting to stumbles or stutters in the meter is just as important as dinging. 

  • keidan
    311 Posts
    Wed, May 8 2013 8:13 AM

    here is another thread that shows different techniques people use:

    How do you hit the ding consistently?

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Wed, May 8 2013 10:23 AM

    What works best for me is this. I move the meter to the top and watch it start then move my eyes to the ding bar and wait for the meter to get to the ding bar. I find I hit it much more consistently like this rather than trying to follow the meter through the entire meter travel. If I try to follow it the entire meter travel I seem to do brain dead and either click way too early or way too late. 

  • JerkNicholas
    33 Posts
    Wed, May 8 2013 10:58 AM

    I'm in the 'don't over analyse' camp.

    Just sort of let it happen...go with the flow...use the force

    Maybe I am  some sort of golfing Jedi....hmmm nah, actually I'm not that good at the game


  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Wed, May 8 2013 2:22 PM

    On full shots, I decide if I want an early or late hit. Then when I swing I move the swing icon down to the meter bar either in front or behind the ding line and hopefully click before the meter hits the icon.

    On putts I aways try to hit the ding line.

  • kilbraur
    219 Posts
    Wed, May 8 2013 3:29 PM

    I take meter all way up and let go I say "severiano ballesteros" and click.

    In time it take to say this I is close to ding most of time. Not need for putts, putter ar slow.

    5,835 Posts
    Wed, May 8 2013 6:43 PM

    I'll take a breath, drag the swing back and exhale on the way to the ding. (or where i want to 'ding')

    Same as Jim, I watch the ding line and wait for the marker to move into view.

    Depending on the time of day, i either push the mouse button or finger slap it.



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