gerryniswonger:What works best for you?
Doing it the same way every time. Like Jimbo says, don't overthink it but find what works for you and stick with it. I find what works best for me it to focus on the ding line and let the moving line come into your peripheral view. It helps you be consistent because now it's a timing thing-you're not thinking about following the line, you're thinking about the ding. Conceptualizing helps get you in the right mindset-see the result in your mind's eye. This also helps when you don't want to ding, like erring on the side of the wind or steering the shot.
IRL you don't follow the club through the swing, you look at the target (ball.) Keep your head down and your eyes on the target. It also helps to be quick at not swinging. Keeping your eyes focused on the target and reacting to stumbles or stutters in the meter is just as important as dinging.