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Re: The "I really hate SuperSonicAds"-club

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jul 19 2013 6:49 AM (7 replies)
  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 2:52 AM

    Since it appears hip to start a new club for every little aspect of this game I thought to myself why not start 1 for all the people who get really annoyed with SuperSonicAds.

    Today, after leaving SuperSonicAds alone for about 5 months (read here why) I thought to myself  "Let's give it another try with 'm and see if they've gotten things in order now".

    I participated (and finished/confirmed) in 3 free offers. All 3 stated I would get my credits within 15 minutes. All 3 did NOT pay out a single credit. (NO, this is no survey-qualification issue).

    Am I surprised ?  - Hardly.

    Am I going to take screen shots and deliver the proof ? - Hell no. They will only start annoying me again by not accepting clear proof, not communicating or even worse....withdrawing credits from my account (again).

    How comes that with Trialpay you only have the occasional need to open a support ticket and deliver the proof (which promptly leads to receiving the deserved credits), while with supersonicads (nearly) all free offers pay NOTHING. So for every f*^~ing offer you need to create a ticket... only to become ignored (YES, that really is my experience with SSA).

    Back to where I was this more SuperSonicAds for me.

    Join the club and dump your SuperSonicAds frustration right here.


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 3:20 AM

    WGT need to stop saying third party nothing do with us...It IS something to do with WGT and it reflects VERY POORLY!

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 4:25 AM

    I repeat: VERY POORLY!

  • DannyMcFly
    100 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 7:22 AM

    There will always be problems with this companies. They are incompetent and irresponsible- Pure Scam. Every time they looking for a way to not pay out CR.  I understand that WGT does not have affect on their companies and this is only some partnership. But see what influence this companies have on WGT image. World Golf Tour offers the option of "free credits". Not Sponsor Pay or Supersonic, WGT offers this option on this site. We are happy that there is such an option - but why it almost always does not work? This is frustrating, sending them multiple e-mails (because a bunch of morons working there), they always want some proofs, if You send them they don't answer or sending you some randomly messages generated by computer, you sending again and situation is repeated etc, etc, etc,. If you-WGT are offering options: "free credits" this MUST working without any unpleasant for WGT customers...


    My 2 cents. (sorry for bad english)

    5,835 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 12:18 AM

    Am I going to take screen shots and deliver the proof ? - Hell no


    Shooting yourself in the foot.

    I chase them & chase them.

    Somehow lately I havent had to. They might be getting used to me :)

    05.03.13  Supersonic earned 4038 credits Completed Offer  4,038 Cr

    05.03.13  Supersonic earned 1777 credits Completed Offer  1,777 Cr

    05.03.13  Supersonic earned 1938 credits Completed Offer  1,938 Cr

    04.27.13  Supersonic earned 2164 credits Completed Offer  2,164 Cr


    Theres also a bunch more earnt via Sponsor pay

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 1:06 AM

    Hey Shrude.... You joined my club ?


    I chase them & chase them.

    That would be really shooting myself in the foot, for that's not good for my mental health at all. I play the free ball, so I don't need as many credits as you do, so I'll survive, even without all the credits you can earn with SSA.

    It's especially the free offers (for up to 200 credits) that somehow give many more problems Shrude. I pointed that out to you on an earlier occasion. Yes, I do get the spam that goes with participating in these offers, but no, I don't get the credits.


    5,835 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 1:13 AM

    Hey Shrude.... You joined my club ?


    You betcha!

    Anything to help nudge WGT to get onto these folks.

  • JohnbeatsDavid
    1 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2013 6:49 AM

    I agree completely, SSA is complete and total BS.  My question, its obvious WGT knows all about this, communicating with them is just as useless as their standard answer is they have no control.  The humourous aspect is they (WGT) give offers to actually buy things from them when they clearly support an outright fraudulent enterprise like SSA making them as culpable as SSA.  Were they serious, they would do away with the obvious scam offer they throw at you constantly.