Since it appears hip to start a new club for every little aspect of this game I thought to myself why not start 1 for all the people who get really annoyed with SuperSonicAds.
Today, after leaving SuperSonicAds alone for about 5 months (read here why) I thought to myself "Let's give it another try with 'm and see if they've gotten things in order now".
I participated (and finished/confirmed) in 3 free offers. All 3 stated I would get my credits within 15 minutes. All 3 did NOT pay out a single credit. (NO, this is no survey-qualification issue).
Am I surprised ? - Hardly.
Am I going to take screen shots and deliver the proof ? - Hell no. They will only start annoying me again by not accepting clear proof, not communicating or even worse....withdrawing credits from my account (again).
How comes that with Trialpay you only have the occasional need to open a support ticket and deliver the proof (which promptly leads to receiving the deserved credits), while with supersonicads (nearly) all free offers pay NOTHING. So for every f*^~ing offer you need to create a ticket... only to become ignored (YES, that really is my experience with SSA).
Back to where I was this more SuperSonicAds for me.
Join the club and dump your SuperSonicAds frustration right here.