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Re: Create more player Level Divisions for the Open

rated by 0 users
Wed, May 15 2013 8:06 AM (9 replies)
  • programplaya
    84 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 7:13 PM

          So many players are (somehow) shooting such low scores that the average player doesn't even want to try to compete.

     I mean Im a fairly decent player most of the time and in 3 tries I cant crack 73. So I'd really like to see the video of the -17 game in the Open qualifier.

    & just for fun ... fly the top 10 finishers to Vegas and let them duke it out under controlled conditions in full public view, and lets see the -15 scores come in. Then I'll believe those scores.

    But aside from all that ... 

    Why not just for fun have a all starter gear class as well in each level.

    A cool way to see how all would stack up, with same gear from same tee. & no equipment advantage. It might be wildly popular.  I'd be in.

    lets see how the top flight elite do with  all starter gear.

    Would they accept such a challenge?  I think many would.

    They like the game, why wouldn't they?

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 7:19 PM


    just for fun ... fly the top 10 finishers to Vegas and let them duke it out under controlled conditions in full public view.

    Why not just for fun have a all starter gear class as well in each level.

    A cool way to see how all would stack up, with same gear from same tee. & no equipment advantage. It might be wildly popular.

    lets see how the top flight elite do with  all starter gear.

    Would they accept such a challenge?  I think many would.

    They like the game, why wouldn't they?


    2 fantastic valid ideas , love em. And yes they would , most already do.


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 8:00 PM

    No need to fly folks out to Vegas from all around the globe wasting money that could be used to improve elements of the game including giving Scottish players with a proven ancestry free equipment for the next 5 years.

    Here's a vid on youtube of Tess's 55 in the qualifier.

    Or how about her 55 (with a bogey) round Kiawah in single play?

    There's more than a few players upload their games to youtube.

    Here's one from Bolly's channel....a 54 round Kiawah in a 1000 cred RG

    Sure......JJ's 53 on the 1st day is one hell of a round...but folks who know him and have seen him play in skins games etc will understand he has the game to shoot 55's  consistently enough on any course under any conditions low or heavy.

    Probably wasn't his 1st attempt and restarted a couple of times...but there it is.

    There's 6 weeks still to run so don't be too surprised to see a 49 getting posted in a week or two MAX. With the right wind there's at least 4 or 5 eagle chances waiting on the front 9 and just as many opportunities on the back one of the grinders will be hammering away at it to become the first player to knock in a 49 from the back can bank on someone getting lucky.

  • Badfinger100
    54 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 12:29 AM

    VERY upset here...I know at my level with the equipment available to me I have zero chance of qualifying for the open but what I'm upset about is the fact that every "MAN" that completes a 18 hole try at qualifying gets a spiffy looking avatar just for trying.....I have tried twice now and completed both my rounds ( best 65) ...So WGT why haven't you got a nice avatar for us ladies ...HUH?  HUH?  HUH?...not fair and very prejudice if you ask me..anybody out there know of a good virtual attorney I can contact I think I'll sue WGT for Prejudice LOL...In all seriousness WGT what do we ladies get for trying???????????????????????????????

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 3:42 AM

    So many players are (somehow) shooting such low scores that the average player doesn't even want to try to compete.

    It's a tournament for the best here.  If an "average" player doesn't want to even try, that's on them.


    I think if I hit restart a couple hundred times, I'd maybe have a chance at qualifying. But I know that it would be a huge waste of time and ball usage since I know I wouldn't stand a chance in the Open with single play rounds.

    These players that "somehow" shoot such a low score you speak of, just look at how many rounds they have under their belt.  Some of them probably have more rounds played on any course here than I do in total.

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 4:07 AM

    n all seriousness WGT what do we ladies get for trying???????????????????????????????

    The same thing we men get,a male avatar. I'm not happy about it either because I use a female avatar most of the time.

  • TeacHa
    186 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 5:27 AM

    It's a Major, thats why all compete under the same conditions.

    You are a lvl 89 Master, what the hell is your excuse for "not being able to compete"?

  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 5:40 AM

    I just watched priestiess round at Merion. First of all, it was a awesome round. Second, after playing Merion many times with the rlls,  I noticed that the r1 driver gives the player at least one club advantage if not two on almost every hole that he used it. He was hitting shots from 169 and 174 when I (with rlls) would be 191 and 197. There is a significant advantage. Not complaining, just making an evaluation. He was able to hit his approach shot from places I have never even been. There will be many who will qualify with the rll, rlls and even the g20 driver, so the r1 will not automatically get you qualified for the open but it will make the process much easier. Congratulation's to all who qualify, you are the best of the best no matter what clubs you use.

  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 6:52 AM

    And thanks to Prisetiess for the video and bigeasy for publishing the link.

  • programplaya
    84 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 8:06 AM

    thanks for all the replies.

    I forgot to mention that I have played  2 rounds in the open qualifier full 18 using only starter gear. the 1st result was a disappointing 90, but the 2nd try was much better at 81. which included 3 long (& super lucky) par saving putts. so I don't know if I could match the  81 in future attempts.

    Also ... will WGT ever have the ability to enable large numbers of online spectators to view a virtual championship playoff match ?

    Who wouldn't like to see the top 4 players compete head to head live online monthly?

    I would pay to see that.

    But still I like the idea of having a monthly "all players equal, starter clubs only, from the same tees tourney"   I'd be willing to pay a small credit fee entry for that.