So many players are (somehow) shooting such low scores that the average player doesn't even want to try to compete.
I mean Im a fairly decent player most of the time and in 3 tries I cant crack 73. So I'd really like to see the video of the -17 game in the Open qualifier.
& just for fun ... fly the top 10 finishers to Vegas and let them duke it out under controlled conditions in full public view, and lets see the -15 scores come in. Then I'll believe those scores.
But aside from all that ...
Why not just for fun have a all starter gear class as well in each level.
A cool way to see how all would stack up, with same gear from same tee. & no equipment advantage. It might be wildly popular. I'd be in.
lets see how the top flight elite do with all starter gear.
Would they accept such a challenge? I think many would.
They like the game, why wouldn't they?