Gary and EASBT,
For the past 3 months, the Forums have been full of "glitchy" meters and other things that detract from the game.
I'm not a computer genius and will admit to a 'low flash point' (i.e get pi$$ed easily), especially when my 'puter acts up!
I've set my browser (Foxfire) to erase history and clear cache each time I close it. If i've been reading blogs or news a lot - I close the browser before opening WGT. I do not mess with the Flash cache.
Maybe it's luck (probably not) but I don't experience "glitches" - meter stays (relatively) 'unsquirrelly' (didn't get an 'A' in spelling some 40 years ago), 'puter only crashes (at whim) once, or so, a month - so other than 'Wine and Song' - what more could one want ? {OK-OK I'm nearly 69 - slim youthful bodies don't raise the pulse much anymore - heck I've got kids older than today's Playmates ;( }
I'm not really all that 'humble', HOWEVER - IMHO - just wipe the mess in your 'puter more often and watch the 'magic' happen!