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Zooming in

rated by 0 users
Thu, May 30 2013 3:15 PM (6 replies)
  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 6:36 PM

    When I go to zoom in , I am having to click sometimes up to 3 times before it works.

    Does anyone know why this is happening , and how I can fix it.


    Gary ( woodo)

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 6:38 PM

    maybe the downtime tonight as something to do with it ;-)

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 6:47 PM

    No it's happened before , and I just ignored it. I am now starting to use it more and would like to find out why it's happening and if I can fix it

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 7:05 PM

    I hate to sound like the staff, but try clearing the Flash cache since that is part of the flash player.

    25 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 2:13 PM

    Could you explain how to clear the flash cache, I don't no how to do this .

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 3:01 PM

    Gary and EASBT,

    For the past 3 months, the Forums have been full of "glitchy" meters and other things that detract from the game.

    I'm not a computer genius and will admit to a 'low flash point' (i.e get pi$$ed easily), especially when my 'puter acts up!

    I've set my browser (Foxfire) to erase history and clear cache each time I close it.  If i've been reading blogs or news a lot - I close the browser before opening WGT. I do not mess with the Flash cache.

    Maybe it's luck (probably not) but I don't experience "glitches" - meter stays (relatively) 'unsquirrelly' (didn't get an 'A' in spelling some 40 years ago), 'puter only crashes (at whim) once, or so, a month - so other than 'Wine and Song' - what more could one want ? {OK-OK I'm nearly 69 - slim youthful bodies don't raise the pulse much  anymore  - heck I've got kids older than today's Playmates  ;( }

    I'm not really all that 'humble', HOWEVER  - IMHO - just wipe the mess in your 'puter more often and watch the 'magic' happen!



  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 3:15 PM

    I have my browser set to clear cache every time it shuts down. I never clear Flash memory. Those are not the critical things. The critical thing is to prevent background processes from using your CPU time while you're playing the game. It's even more critical if you don't have a really good graphics card.