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Re: Minor flaws in the implementation of putting.

rated by 0 users
Fri, Oct 10 2014 11:32 AM (6 replies)
  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Tue, Jul 27 2010 8:40 PM

    Inaccurate Grid

    Sometimes, if you look at a putt from the front, it will show a break, but if you look at it from the back, it will show it as a straight putt, and vice versa.

    Other times, it will show a break from both front and back, and you'll adjust your aim slightly, but even if you do a 100% accurate aim click, the ball won't break at all, but instead will go completely straight.

    I don't know what causes this problem, but it'd be nice if someone could figure it out.  I suspect maybe it's because the squares are too big, and there is a break in the green, but there is no break on the exact pathway that the ball will take... either that or the grid is not calculated in such a way that it is completely parallel/perpendicular from the ball's current position and the hole, causing a downhill/uphill slope to show up as a left/right break, even though there is none (or erasing that break, when there really is one there.)

    Wrong Meter Selection

    I know, I know... it's "my fault" when I'm on the wrong meter... but I really do think that there should be a change in the automatic meter selection for putting.

    If my putt is 14 ft, 15 ft, and maybe even 16 ft, I should be getting the 15 ft power meter (an option on my putter.)  If it's too short for the putt, ok... I'm 1 ft short.  If it's uphill 5 inches or so, ok, I should have switched over to the 30 ft meter, but guess what?  I'm going to end up 5-6 ft short... which is a lot better than the result of hitting 100% on the 30 ft meter on accident, when I should be hitting 100% on the 15 ft meter, which would leave me 10-20 ft past the hole.

    I realize that the game shouldn't always select the correct club for me, but when it comes to putting, it'd be nice if it was biased towards selecting a meter that is very slightly too soft instead of much too hard.  Coming up 2-5 ft short is a lot less annoying than hitting the ball 15-30 ft too far.

  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Tue, Jul 27 2010 10:04 PM

    Hi Charlemagne,

    We do our best to simulate the green grid as close to real life as possible.  The survey equipment that we use in our shoots is accurate to within 1/2 of an inch, but even at that level there will be some small discrepancies in the grid now and then.  When you come across one of these areas please right-click in the game and choose "Submit this problem to WGT".  Give a brief description of what you are seeing with the grid and send it off to us.  This will enable our devs to look at the exact position you were in and determine if a manual adjustment needs to be made to the grid.

    The caddy does his best to suggest the appropriate club in most situations, but the strength that you hit it is all up to you.  We didn't want the caddy to suggest a club that will ultimately leave the player short for fear that many users will too often trust the caddy and do just that.  If you're having difficulty controlling distance putts using a longer meter then I recommend checking out these Putting Tips which focuses almost entirely on distance control.

    Good Luck =)

  • Astondb5
    33 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 12:58 AM

    I have just suffered an outrageous automatic meter section at Whistler. 7.2 foot putt, well below 10 feet which is how my meter is graduated. I didn't even bother to check the meter selection which I normally do if its close to the limit. Hit at 6.8 as it was reasonably straight and the putt went 20 feet. missed the return and a 6 under par became a 4 under. Surely this is not rocket science. If its 9.8 then fine, maybe the 20 foot meter should be automatically chosen but then I would check.

    I can´t actually work out how the putt went 20 feet. My putter is graduated at 10, 20 and then 50

    6.8 on the 20 scale should go 13.5. 6.8 on 50 would go 34 feet so how did they come up with 20 feet.





  • alosso
    21,093 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 1:27 AM

    Without knowing the situation (green speed, lie, slope...) no answer is possible.

    Alas, we all know that is "caddie" is untrustworthy. Therefore, you'd have to update your preshot routine and include 100% check of the scale.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 5:54 AM

    Therefore, you'd have to update your preshot routine and include 100% check of the scale.

     This is the most truthful and sober tip one must embrace. The other truth is that the 100% check of the scale will never be achieved....ever ;-} 

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 11:20 AM


    Inaccurate Grid




    Some successful players have given some input on the grid, but I'm not saying this will answer your questions, nor can I say that their info is correct. I can only take the suggestion and test it for myself.




    "The dots move along the gridlines to show which way a ball would roll down that gridline. If your view is not looking directly parallel to the gridlines, then the moving dots will be showing a component of both the sidehill slope AND the elevation change"



    "The putting grid is never wrong, strictly speaking, because it pulls from the same database of slope values that your putt does. 

    There are two things that the player needs to take into account.  The first, as fmagnets pointed out, is that the grid only gives the "true" break when it is perpendicular to the path of the ball.  "


    Other players give a lot of observations on the topic, as well.


    On Tekoma's Putting Techniques vol.2  (not vol. 1, the 2nd video)

    (around the 6:16 min mark) he mentions that on downhill putts the grid dots move at different speeds (see above why that may be true) and he uses 'reverse view then multiplies that distance by two', you have to watch it to get his full explanation.

    (vol.2   6:16min)

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 11:32 AM

    It's bug on Whistler and Cabo...seems like it always a short putt too...I have had it happen many times, mostly on Cabo #10