Inaccurate Grid
Sometimes, if you look at a putt from the front, it will show a break, but if you look at it from the back, it will show it as a straight putt, and vice versa.
Other times, it will show a break from both front and back, and you'll adjust your aim slightly, but even if you do a 100% accurate aim click, the ball won't break at all, but instead will go completely straight.
I don't know what causes this problem, but it'd be nice if someone could figure it out. I suspect maybe it's because the squares are too big, and there is a break in the green, but there is no break on the exact pathway that the ball will take... either that or the grid is not calculated in such a way that it is completely parallel/perpendicular from the ball's current position and the hole, causing a downhill/uphill slope to show up as a left/right break, even though there is none (or erasing that break, when there really is one there.)
Wrong Meter Selection
I know, I know... it's "my fault" when I'm on the wrong meter... but I really do think that there should be a change in the automatic meter selection for putting.
If my putt is 14 ft, 15 ft, and maybe even 16 ft, I should be getting the 15 ft power meter (an option on my putter.) If it's too short for the putt, ok... I'm 1 ft short. If it's uphill 5 inches or so, ok, I should have switched over to the 30 ft meter, but guess what? I'm going to end up 5-6 ft short... which is a lot better than the result of hitting 100% on the 30 ft meter on accident, when I should be hitting 100% on the 15 ft meter, which would leave me 10-20 ft past the hole.
I realize that the game shouldn't always select the correct club for me, but when it comes to putting, it'd be nice if it was biased towards selecting a meter that is very slightly too soft instead of much too hard. Coming up 2-5 ft short is a lot less annoying than hitting the ball 15-30 ft too far.