Great pictures MrWGT.

What a great competition the Us Open at Merion won by Justin Rose, a full drama in the last 9 holes fighting together with Mickelson.

I had the feeling all the time that the one who could find more fairways would finally win, just like thinking, hum Mickelson is not hitting the ding with the 3 wood, or Rose is not dinging the flops, It was a real match but I was enjoying it like if it was played in Merion WGT!!!.
Thanks once more, outstanding Merion course you gave us WGT,
I knew every single hole and the troubles for the pros, I could compare all the hazards from both Merions and that is awesome.
Hole 3 was a nightmare for the pros on last day, most of them had to use the driver to reach the green, same as WGT Merion with strong head win, chilling comparison but true.
Well, I could carry one & carry on with examples. Perhaps other members can share their own versions for our joy.