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Re: When will I move to Amature ?

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jun 17 2013 5:22 PM (3 replies)
  • AARON71z
    6 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2013 5:08 PM

    Hello Everyone


      I have been try figure out how I move from Hack to amature all day. My level is now 22

     So the only one I found that it say I have to play alots 18 holes before I can move to

     amature ? Please let me know how I move from HACK to AMATURE ? I hope

     someone will help me ASAP ! Thank you !!

  • TeacHa
    186 Posts
    Sun, Jun 16 2013 6:29 PM

    You will not move up a tier when playing blitz - games.

    To move up in tiers, you'll have to lower your average through Ranked Stroke / Stroke Tournaments or defeating higher tiered players in scored/challenge Matchplay.

  • AARON71z
    6 Posts
    Mon, Jun 17 2013 3:30 PM

    Hello TeacHa

       Yeah I got it Now I am move to Amateur now LOL, Again I was wonder if you know if I set up Country Club can I set as group players tournament without single player ? If you know how please let me know ASAP bec now I have 7 Deaf players that join my Club. Thank you again !

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Jun 17 2013 5:22 PM

    First, congrats for the tier advancement.

    Sadly many CC's have the same problem of participation numbers for many reasons. Best to post this in the CC Corner to get ideas from fellow CC owners.

    However it may help to advise players when they join, that they are expected to participate in club activities. Make the comps varied and fun and possibly offer incentives )a cheap sleeve of balls - even the 10cr ones if you can.

    As you all have deafness in common, hopefully it will create a strong bond between everyone. Try having a alternate shot comp between you  all partnering each other, 2 points for a win and the overall winner is the one with the most points. A/S is a good fun sociable game. Do the same for matchplay if you can organize times. By playing with all members you can stress that you want all players to help make the club better.

    Good luck