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Disabled account

Sun, Mar 2 2025 12:54 PM (12 replies)
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  • RobinVanClark
    1 Posts
    Fri, Jan 25 2019 8:31 PM
    Apparently my account was disabled for having multiple devices (iPhone and iPad) that are both mine. I was unaware this was illegal in terms of WGT. And would like to have my account reactivated. Especially since I just recently got the subscription for WGT, and have not been able to access my account for days. I have contacted WGT customer support and they have not gotten back to me after 3 days. Any help is appreciated.
  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2019 7:33 AM

    Apparently my account was disabled for having multiple devices (iPhone and iPad) that are both mine. I was unaware this was illegal in terms of WGT. And would like to have my account reactivated. Especially since I just recently got the subscription for WGT, and have not been able to access my account for days. I have contacted WGT customer support and they have not gotten back to me after 3 days. Any help is appreciated.

    Contact them by e mail . instead of the C/S link . They dont care about you playing the mobile platform . Many players play between the pc and mobile platforms . Sounds more like you have more than one account which is against the rules . Anyway its between you and them so use the e mail to contact them .

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2019 9:07 AM

    Apparently my account was disabled for having multiple devices (iPhone and iPad) that are both mine. I was unaware this was illegal in terms of WGT. And would like to have my account reactivated. Especially since I just recently got the subscription for WGT, and have not been able to access my account for days. I have contacted WGT customer support and they have not gotten back to me after 3 days. Any help is appreciated.

    If your account is disabled, how were you able to post to the forum? You have to be able to log on to do that. 

    And as lonnie notes, they wouldn't disable an account for playing on more than one device. I've played on the PC, on my iPad, and on my iPhone, without issue. Even so, almost exclusively, I play on my iPad. 

    You could also post a note on WGTchampion's wall. Still, I would do what Lonnie suggests. he gives good advice. 

  • borntobesting
    9,772 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2019 9:34 AM


    Apparently my account was disabled for having multiple devices (iPhone and iPad) that are both mine. I was unaware this was illegal in terms of WGT. And would like to have my account reactivated. Especially since I just recently got the subscription for WGT, and have not been able to access my account for days. I have contacted WGT customer support and they have not gotten back to me after 3 days. Any help is appreciated.

    If your account is disabled, how were you able to post to the forum? You have to be able to log on to do that. 

    And as lonnie notes, they wouldn't disable an account for playing on more than one device. I've played on the PC, on my iPad, and on my iPhone, without issue. Even so, almost exclusively, I play on my iPad. 

    You could also post a note on WGTchampion's wall. Still, I would do what Lonnie suggests. he gives good advice. 

    No that is not why your account was disabled. I play on 3 different devices. My PC,my Iphone and my Samsung Galaxy Tab E but they all are played using the same account, Did you create a second account to play on your Iphone and Ipad? If so that's why that account was disabled. 1 active account only!

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2019 11:41 AM

    If your account is disabled, how were you able to post to the forum? You have to be able to log on to do that. 

    Are you sure?  He clearly did post on that account and I couldn't search it.

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2019 12:15 PM

    Are you sure?  He clearly did post on that account and I couldn't search it.

    Well, generally, the answer is yes. You do need to be logged on to post. But even if one's account is disabled, there's a potential workaround with a mobile device such as an iPad or iPhone. 

    Even if a player's account is disabled, if the person has previously accessed the discussion forum through the mobile device's browser, (for example, Safari on an iPad) and saved his username and password, it is possible that Safari will still have the person logged in to the account, even if the account is disabled. 

    I found this out about a year and a half ago. Another member got my account disabled. The details of why are irrelevant. For the 2 days or so my account was disabled, I was not able to post anything to the forums through the PC web browser. But I had previously accessed the forums through Safari on my iPad. The system would still allow me to post because it still had me logged on that way. 

    So, if he's aware of that workaround, then he would be able to post. 


  • paueett
    45 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2019 5:28 PM

    They won't disable any accounts for playing on multiple devices including both mobile and pc platforms. You either created and logged into a different account or someone else played with their account from your internet connection, I guess they could have made a mistake as well.

    If it's a second account they'll disable that and leave your main + give you a warning, if someone else logged in you'll have to explain it and it'd mean they thought your account was his second account. Either way you have to contact customer support @

    Good luck, you may get a solution but it'll probably take a while...Oh and yes, he could still be "logged in" despite having the account disabled so I wouldn't draw any conclusions from the fact he was able to post in the forums.

    EDIT: Saw lonniescott suggested sending an email instead, dunno if that way is better. All I can say is I dealt with a similar issue through the C/S link and they take their sweet time to reply, had to be persistent and send several messages. Eventually they solved it and deleted my forum post complaining about it.. it's weird but not getting a reply in 3 days doesn't mean they won't reply, so patience

  • ScottHope
    10,666 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2019 12:58 AM

    I think it might be ; )

  • GGWash
    1 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2019 7:52 AM
    My account was disabled yesterday and I have only one account. Spent at least $250 on add ons. If they don’t reactivate my account this is fraud. I sent email and have gotten no response. I only play on my iPad. I can log in on the website but can not log in on my iPad.
  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Fri, Aug 16 2019 9:27 AM


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