Thanks for your input.....
There really was no need for you to get out of your pit to be fair......
Commenting on threads that bore you must be taxing...
Back to the land of nod eh ?
It truly is beyond my comprehension why people bother to make a negative comment about a boring thread.
Whatever possesses them to read it in the first place.
If it is of no interest to them, then why post a dozy comment that will be of no interest to anyone else.
Gimme strength
Official request to WGT "Please lock this thread"
When I first started this game I hated playing with women, as I do in real life, however as I progressed through the game I met and played with and became friends with many a fine female player.
Courteney has a sharp wit and an even sharper tongue, and I never expected anything else but her initial response, to correct my spelling. Her way of saying I was never gonna succeed in winding her up.
Wonderful shots , John, was never gonna be her response was it.
She has my utmost respect.