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Re: equipment

Wed, Jun 26 2013 6:24 AM (20 replies)
  • Geahry1
    525 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2013 6:24 AM



    You must be new to Mr Geahry's games. He makes newb posts everyday and seems to love it when people take the trouble to give helpful replies.

    In fairness to Mr. G, he did apologize recently for his behavior and might just be thinking about getting serious about improving his game. Lord knows it does need improvement and he might just be getting past the typical attitude of a player that just doesn't get how much effort it takes to be decent at this game.

    I, for one, will give him the benefit of the doubt until he proves otherwise. Let him have the rope.  :-)


    I personally have been somewhat deriding of some of the OP's requests but he is harmless and has made me laugh on occasion.

    I did just play with him and we both played with starters as that all he has now, and was a good fun game so I give full credit to him.

    We all make mistakes and I give the OP credit for admitting that. Sometimes making mistakes makes us all better people.

    When you do get your clubs back Geahry we will play again and try and improve your game.

    Hello alant yes that was a fun round we had i enjoyed the game and company bro.And like i told you this month coming up i will get new sticks and 2 wedges.But alanti truely want to thatnk you for you Generosity.And I know that we are true golfers.Thanks for takeing the time to play and give me some pointers.These people dont know the reason i once had great clubs but now have starters and it is non of their buizz.Anyway I give you Props A and yes when i get my new equip we will set up a game.God Bless My friend.