Fencer100: I have just played in a alternate game with my friend who is a legend. We found ourselves up against 2 Tour Pro's who were obviously friends also, however they were both at Level 92. I checked on their screens and both been members of WGT since 2010 and have got all the top clubs. Apparently they no longer play ranked rounds, nor competition and are not in a Country Club.
And this is the reason I feel WGT should have clubs issued by tier, not level ... at least a mix of both. For example, if you want the level 79 Rocketbladez irons, you must be at least a tour master. Issuing clubs by level only lends itself to sandbagging!
Yes, real golf is a game of honor; yet there are those who will cheat to get a higher handicap so they can enter tournaments and net skins for the winnings. But in real golf, the tournament director can reduce/restrict a player's handicap for an entire year. How about it WGT? Going to step up and start bumping these sandbaggers up a few tiers?
I know WGT doesn't care about this, as long as the sandbaggers keep buying equipment, all's good in their world.