onlymarsden2: Did you just send me 2 wedges? thankyou so much.! I will be sure to pass the kindness on. Thankyou.
Did you just send me 2 wedges? thankyou so much.! I will be sure to pass the kindness on.
Yw m8t....hit well..Find out what the punch option can do with 90% BS.....36 yrds = 93%..32yrds = 84% etc...adjust for not hitting so hard when the meter goes below 75%
alcaucin:.Find out what the punch option can do with 90% BS.....36 yrds = 93%..32yrds = 84% etc...adjust for not hitting so hard when the meter goes below 75%
Figures for a 50 yrd wedge ^^^^ :)
onlymarsden2: No worries, I will continue to play for fun.
No worries, I will continue to play for fun.
Nothing wrong with just playing for fun!! Nothing wrong with that at all!