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Re: Sell the L93 R1 to all legends for 12,000 credits

Sun, Jun 30 2013 7:35 PM (26 replies)
  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 2:17 PM

    I sure get a kick out of the stone throwing that starts to happen in these Forum threads!  As I recall from the original post, WillieBig said he would pay 12,000 credits for the R1, then suggested that it be made available to all Legend players.

    While I won't spend $120 for any virtual club, I would love to have several of the club options available to the high level, lower tiered players.  I've played with a Level 92 tour pro that had clubs I still can't buy and won't be able to buy for several months of consistent play.

    It seems that if someone has shown their ability by tiering up quickly, they have shown they are skilled enough to play with the better equipment; so the equipment should be available to them.  A bit too simple to be logical, I assume!  

    No worries though, I play real golf against men and other women in the club I belong to and win more often than not because I incorporate good course management.  Looks like that's what I'll have to do until the virtual golf gods come to the realization they have created a sandbagging paradise with their methods of club availability!

    So excuse me now while I tread up the mountain to sacrifice a few small animals to the WGT golf gods and pray they keep the VEM away!


  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 5:37 PM

    Hey lonnie u want to talk about ranked rounds bro i have 784 atm been here only about 7 months. I made legend awhile back and had to use the pings till i could get to lvl 79 for decent irons so why shouldnt we as legends be able to get anything we want to ???? If u choose to get a club or not thats ur choice but i would like the same option and thats my opinion...just saying 

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 7:55 PM


    I sure get a kick out of the stone throwing that starts to happen in these Forum threads!  As I recall from the original post, WillieBig said he would pay 12,000 credits for the R1, then suggested that it be made available to all Legend players.

    While I won't spend $120 for any virtual club, I would love to have several of the club options available to the high level, lower tiered players.  I've played with a Level 92 tour pro that had clubs I still can't buy and won't be able to buy for several months of consistent play.

    It seems that if someone has shown their ability by tiering up quickly, they have shown they are skilled enough to play with the better equipment; so the equipment should be available to them.  A bit too simple to be logical, I assume!  

    No worries though, I play real golf against men and other women in the club I belong to and win more often than not because I incorporate good course management.  Looks like that's what I'll have to do until the virtual golf gods come to the realization they have created a sandbagging paradise with their methods of club availability!

    So excuse me now while I tread up the mountain to sacrifice a few small animals to the WGT golf gods and pray they keep the VEM away!


    Just goes to show how childish some adults really are . Anyway , players are getting tiered up , not because of ability , but because they are playing higher tiered players . This is why they are getting caught with their pants down , regarding clubs. Some of them get their CC buddies of a higher tier to throw them some rounds , and in the process , they eventually get tiered up . They dont have either the ability ,clubs , or time in to be a true bonafide Legend . Since the new scoring system , its easier now for a player to make Legend , than it was before . Hopefully , my thread  Lets split the difference , will be taken seriously by WGT , and added to the game . I think it would be a good win for everyone. Hitem straight. Happy Swinging :-)


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 8:54 PM

    We all get shafted at some point in time ( in our minds) because it is unlikely that the club that comes out is miraculously going to be available 1000 xp's from where you are...and it may even be put further out of reach..

    I was a one level away from L90 R11s when it was moved to I missed out big time in xp's needed regards..

    I have had the R11s for only 8 weeks playing time and the R1 came on offer..

    Others were months away from L94 and got lucky in last update but at least it was a bonus that higher levels got..instead of always pandering to the members who haven't put the months in, as in my case or years in, as in others..

    I asked MrWGT in the chats when Pizza was hosting them if all clubs will become open to all Legends and his response was "we have no plans to do that at this moment"

    Asked and answered no ? I then had the choice to either keep getting more angry than I was at my perceived injustice of that stance and not play WGT anymore OR suck it up and carry on....Guess what I did ?

    The choice is still and always will be yours.


  • gedi83
    277 Posts
    Sun, Jun 30 2013 3:39 PM


    Others were months away from L94 and got lucky in last update

    Days away :)

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Jun 30 2013 7:12 PM



    Others were months away from L94 and got lucky in last update

    Days away :)

    See ^^^ Result !! Every cloud....


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Jun 30 2013 7:35 PM


    We all get shafted at some point in time ( in our minds) because it is unlikely that the club that comes out is miraculously going to be available 1000 xp's from where you are...and it may even be put further out of reach..

    Perhaps one of the most objective posts on this subject.

    We all miss out from time to time, with me it was the R11S being moved upwards - and yes it sucks at the time, but you get over it quickly.

    Luckily this time I am only a few days away from level 93 (can't really afford it but will buy it) but that one club will not shave shots off my scores. It should help but driving is only a small part of this game.

    I have read post after post regarding injustices, but the simple fact remains, the improvement in clubs over the years makes it easier to make legend, and more importantly, to remain competitive regardless of the clubs you use. Possibly the game has become to easy with the clubs and balls, but that is another story.

    The level based system is not going to change, so IMO it is time to accept it