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Sell the L93 R1 to all legends for 12,000 credits

Sun, Jun 30 2013 7:35 PM (26 replies)
  • Jresh0817
    1,414 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 10:27 AM


    I certainly wouldn't pay 12,000 for a club for this game but I do agree that the Black R1 should be available to all legend players....just makes sense!!


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 11:14 AM


    I suggested in another thread that the top 3 items in each category (Putter, driver, iron) should be Legend and above only, it would solve a lot of problems.



    See I don't disagree with you just for the sake of it...not AFTER you in any way !

    (you are all plebs imo until you prove otherwise (no discrimination going on here)

    The idea might need some tweeking but the premis is sound no ?



  • Therockdoctor
    232 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 12:00 PM

    + 1 tier based is the fairest way for sure i just dont get my head around how the current system works... unless there is more level 93 players than actual legends.

    IMO this way just encourages sandbagging and leaves the game wide open to discontent across the board

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 12:35 PM



    I suggested in another thread that the top 3 items in each category (Putter, driver, iron) should be Legend and above only, it would solve a lot of problems.



    See I don't disagree with you just for the sake of it...not AFTER you in any way !

    (you are all plebs imo until you prove otherwise (no discrimination going on here)

    The idea might need some tweeking but the premis is sound no ?



    +1 . I dont know why everyone wants to act like they have lost their minds over this club . Its not that big of a deal . I can afford to not only get it , but I can also get the L94+ Rlls , and yet havent . I`ve said it before , and say it again , too much emphasis is put on the clubs , and not on ability . If this club was still only available at level 98+ , you would be content , to play up the levels , and earn it . So get a grip people , its only a club , this is only a game , so stop acting like children fighting over a toy. My 2 cents . Happy Swinging


  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 12:44 PM

    The point of it is , you got the option to buy either of them and choose not to , legends not at level 93 yet haven't , thats the point being made .

  • DDRoss1
    1,809 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 1:02 PM

    When I see a TM with it and I cant as a legend, kind of defeats the work of being a legend doesn't it. Shoot the talk is all worthless anyway, no matter what we are willing to spend on virtual clubs, they refuse to look at the very simple matter that I know of and have played level 91-94 masters and TMs with the same clubs, now tell me they don't get in advantage in all tournaments in a CC unless you make it Legend only. Then there pissed because of the exclusion. IMO, open up certain clubs, to Legends and TLs, like eb is saying. my 1/2 cents worth LOL

  • DDRoss1
    1,809 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 1:06 PM




    I suggested in another thread that the top 3 items in each category (Putter, driver, iron) should be Legend and above only, it would solve a lot of problems.



    See I don't disagree with you just for the sake of it...not AFTER you in any way !

    (you are all plebs imo until you prove otherwise (no discrimination going on here)

    The idea might need some tweeking but the premis is sound no ?



    +1 . I dont know why everyone wants to act like they have lost their minds over this club . Its not that big of a deal . I can afford to not only get it , but I can also get the L94+ Rlls , and yet havent . I`ve said it before , and say it again , too much emphasis is put on the clubs , and not on ability . If this club was still only available at level 98+ , you would be content , to play up the levels , and earn it . So get a grip people , its only a club , this is only a game , so stop acting like children fighting over a toy. My 2 cents . Happy Swinging


    Because we want to. I have more ranked rounds than you and I have been a legend since level 80 so don't talk about putting the work in. I appreciate your opinions, appreciate everybody's opinions, but let us have our say without you accusing us of acting like children.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 1:28 PM





    I suggested in another thread that the top 3 items in each category (Putter, driver, iron) should be Legend and above only, it would solve a lot of problems.



    See I don't disagree with you just for the sake of it...not AFTER you in any way !

    (you are all plebs imo until you prove otherwise (no discrimination going on here)

    The idea might need some tweeking but the premis is sound no ?



    +1 . I dont know why everyone wants to act like they have lost their minds over this club . Its not that big of a deal . I can afford to not only get it , but I can also get the L94+ Rlls , and yet havent . I`ve said it before , and say it again , too much emphasis is put on the clubs , and not on ability . If this club was still only available at level 98+ , you would be content , to play up the levels , and earn it . So get a grip people , its only a club , this is only a game , so stop acting like children fighting over a toy. My 2 cents . Happy Swinging



    Because we want to. I have more ranked rounds than you and I have been a legend since level 80 so don't talk about putting the work in. I appreciate your opinions, appreciate everybody's opinions, but let us have our say without you accusing us of acting like children.

    Actually you only have 9 more ranked rounds than me . Also , I`m a legend as well , level 94 , with 676 cdp . As for my post, I call it the way that I see it . If that offends you , then it must have hit real close to home, as I was only speaking in general . As for you having your say so , do you mind if I have mine as well . Thank you . Happy Swinging :-)


  • DDRoss1
    1,809 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 1:33 PM






    I suggested in another thread that the top 3 items in each category (Putter, driver, iron) should be Legend and above only, it would solve a lot of problems.



    See I don't disagree with you just for the sake of it...not AFTER you in any way !

    (you are all plebs imo until you prove otherwise (no discrimination going on here)

    The idea might need some tweeking but the premis is sound no ?



    +1 . I dont know why everyone wants to act like they have lost their minds over this club . Its not that big of a deal . I can afford to not only get it , but I can also get the L94+ Rlls , and yet havent . I`ve said it before , and say it again , too much emphasis is put on the clubs , and not on ability . If this club was still only available at level 98+ , you would be content , to play up the levels , and earn it . So get a grip people , its only a club , this is only a game , so stop acting like children fighting over a toy. My 2 cents . Happy Swinging



    Because we want to. I have more ranked rounds than you and I have been a legend since level 80 so don't talk about putting the work in. I appreciate your opinions, appreciate everybody's opinions, but let us have our say without you accusing us of acting like children.

    Actually you only have 9 more ranked rounds than me . Also , I`m a legend as well , level 94 , with 676 cdp . As for my post, I call it the way that I see it . If that offends you , then it must have hit real close to home, as I was only speaking in general . As for you having your say so , do you mind if I have mine as well . Thank you . Happy Swinging :-)


    You also have been playing a year longer than I have. You have your opinion Lonnie, and it appears on everything. Don't tell me about putting in the work. You just made legend last week so for all this time, your a TM playing the same clubs as I have to play. Just leave me alone, I find your reasoning obtuse.

  • ksinfield
    310 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 2:07 PM


    There should be tier protection for certain clubs and balls, but I don't see it.

    that was the way in actually enhanced the challenge & enjoyment of this played within your tier that matched your ability & club choice was limited to that particular tier......the incentive was to get better at the game & tier up rather than level up.....


    the problem with tier only equipment is it punishes players like me.

    im not consistent enough to be a legend,sure i can shoot the occasional 61/30 but my normal scores are more like 67/33

    why should i not be allowed to have the top equipment just because i am not a top player.


    however i think all equipment should be allowed to legend and above regardless of their level,that way at least the baggers only have the tee advantage not the equipment advantage as well.

    btw i dont need tier restricted clubs as an incentive to improve.i am trying my best to improve as it is that wouldnt make me improve any quicker