Jimbog1964: IRL my putting stance is weird (suits me prolly lol)...I lean torward the hole but as you say knowing the face has a loft I find it helps me hit correctly and get the right line.
While I don't lean forward, I put about 70% of my body weight on my front leg. Since I putt using the straight back-straight through method, I find having my weight forward helps keep the face square at impact and helps me sink more putts.
While there are proven methods when hitting the other clubs, the putter is as individual as the player putting. Some swear by the arc method of putting, others like the straight back-straight through. I've tried both and found I am more accurate with the latter.
As for chip putting, if I have a putt longer than 80' IRL, I will use my 3 hybrid to putt. While it was simply luck, I have sunk a putt of approx. 140' using my "chip putt" method. I was simply attempting to get it inside the magical 3' circle and it ran right to the hole and dropped. Pure luck for a sweet birdie!