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Re: The quest for level 92'ers to make lvl 93 before end August

Thu, Aug 8 2013 10:59 AM (121 replies)
  • muttsnutts69
    283 Posts
    Thu, Aug 1 2013 3:33 AM


    C'mon Martin, come off the tee and give us your review

    You are referring to me I guess, well the damned thing is beyond wonderful.

    It was worth the effort, simple as that.

    I'm tired


  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Thu, Aug 8 2013 10:59 AM a nice ad on depositing $20 and getting free 40% ultra boost for four days...If you check the pro shop,this is an expensive little tool offered for the deposit...looks like the writing is firmly on the wall now, the R1 is clearing out soon for level 93ers...Im sure most of the grinders have read my blog and Mutts post about grinding for this driver. but if you havent, you might want to use this strategy, along with the 40% boost you can make 10-15 k point days, Im telling ya

    By the way, the add says August only, so there should be proof that its going away.



    Oh and also... , the f'n R1 driver ROCKS!