Same thing happened to me.
How many friends does he have?
Problems have been reported above approx. 250 => drop a few.
He will need to reduce his friends list.
On his profile / wall there is a link above a row of his recent friends to VIEW ALL
This opens a new window with all friends, go to the LAST page (oldest added) hover your mouse over the (endless dogs and babies) icons to get their name, if it is a name you no longer need , Centre Click your mouse wheel on the icon link, (or right click and 'open new tab') - this opens that friend in a new tab, open about 5 at a time - from those new pages you can REMOVE FRIEND and close their page, Go back to yoru friends list and do the same for another 5 or 6.
we need an easier way to do this.
check boxes next to friends names and options to send multiple message or delete.