I am posting here what I said in our country club about 2 weeks after the open.
'Am I missing something here?
player who is not eligible to play in the tournament, for however a stupid
reason, changes his nationality superficially to enter the tournament. He wins
said tournament and is not allowed to take the first prize because he is not
actually eligible and then is awarded a prize anyway because he missed out on a
prize he wasn't eligible for.
the world going f*cking mad or is it me.
I was on holiday and am just getting up to speed again.
(Break and someone replied
When was the last time A non US player won any major on wgt...
My take is they dont really want to shell out extra dosh to pay for overseas flights at huge expense to wgt.
He shouldn't of been able to enter but who's to say that he didn''t move to ********* house, that was his registered address .)
Surely WGT is saying through this that it is OK to cheat the
system and in fact you will get rewarded for it.
have admitted that he was not eligible by not letting him take the first prize.
If someone in the UK
had won they would have had to stump up the fare.
cannot think of any reason why he should not be banned. What about all the
other guys from countries not able to participate?
be honest this is unbelievable and I cannot imagine this happening anywhere
else. The most difficulty thing about playing in a comp like this is the
pressure and playing your best when something is at stake. To have a guy
playing (who is very good) without that pressure (he knows he can't actually win
the prize) is completely unacceptable. Then to give him a prize anyway, this is surely a definition of insanity.'
It still annoy's me now as I cannot understand why nothing has happened about it, or has it and that is why I can't seem to get any of the tournament rules displayed any more?