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Re: The Elite Collection

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Sun, Aug 8 2010 6:42 AM (15 replies)
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  • ncviz
    527 Posts
    Thu, Aug 5 2010 3:33 PM

    It's really a lifetime achievement award, so look at it that way. It gives something back to the really good player and/or one that is here an insanely long time.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Thu, Aug 5 2010 4:10 PM

    47.35 years?!  We should take into account that the 2009 Masserati in 47 years will have a Blue Book value of a couple thousand dollars.  Unless, of course, it's kept up and qualifies as a mint condition, garaged classic.  Which I'm sure WGT will be doing at their garage in San Francisco. 

    So Niv, don't be taking it out for a spin, or to the grocery store.  Or golf course.

  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Fri, Aug 6 2010 7:26 PM

    What exactly is the point of this?

    In order to get yourself a $500 gift card you need to trade the equivalent of $3,000 in credits, surely it should be one for one?

    However that seems less ludicrous when you consider that the VIP guest access for next years US Open comes in at 10,000,000 credits or $100,000 in earnings. Can somebody please explain to me how the hell anyone is going to accrue that sort of amount in less than a year?

    C'mon WGT get your finger out and offer a fairer system of obtaining reasonable prizes at reasonable exchange rates!

    If you consider that WGT takes 20% of R-G purses (and the fact that a lot of the winnings will be second- or third- generation winnings), and that you'll probably spend about $250 in balls to get that $3,000, it probably takes more along the lines of $5,000 total to get the $500 gift card, if not more.

    WGT has operating expenses, of course, but it's not a very successful business model to take in perhaps $5,000,000/yr and only give out $25,000 in prizes (via credits.)

    The immediate winnings from the 500-credit entry fee and free CTTH tournies give the best returns ($150 gift cards, trips to expensive golf courses, etc.)  These types of prizes probably cost WGT around $400,000/yr, but, unfortunately it's purely a luck thing.  People can win prizes worth $10,000 in a single hour, which is something that would take even the best player over 1,000 hours to do via R-G's (1,500 if you take into consideration the complaint of the OP.)

    Unfortunately, us R-G'ers don't seem to be a very high priority for WGT, even though R-G's are quite possibly WGT's #1 source of income (the purchase of clubs being the only thing comparable, to my knowledge.)  Their willingness to give out prizes in other competitions is reasonable, but I wouldn't say their prizes from R-G tournies are reasonable.  =(

  • birdwell
    561 Posts
    Sat, Aug 7 2010 10:44 PM

    it's like going to the arcade on the boardwalk...


    You can get a really neat, yet totally worthless starfish that expands too 600% of it's size when immersed in water for about 150 points.


    ...but that i pod's gonna cost you about 450,000 points. (holy moses that's a lot of Skee-ball!!!!)


    Right now that elite collection is all I pod's and no expanding starfish, We need some expanding starfish. Something that us mortal folk can work toward.


    you know like a WGT mouse pad.. WGT coffee mug... autographed picture of niv (cause he's soooooooo dreamy)  golf tees, balls, whatever.

  • TaterNater
    545 Posts
    Sun, Aug 8 2010 2:52 AM

    after reading this whole post i went and looked at the ELITE COLLECTION and had pretty much the same thoughts a Tiffer.... i like what birdwell has put forth... :)

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Sun, Aug 8 2010 6:42 AM

    ... or an autographed picture of Niv driving the Maserati across the Golden Gate bridge...

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