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Stop the sandbaggers

Wed, Feb 12 2025 2:06 PM (23 replies)
  • fcman702
    8 Posts
    Sat, Sep 13 2014 3:14 PM

    I am a fairly new player, only been really playing for a few months. I really enjoy playing tournaments, however I only play the free ones. As ones where you earn credits are generally won by people who are sandbagging. They are really easy to spot, when you see a master shoot 58 in a tournament for example, but when you look at his scores and they show he scored over 250,000 several times playing a 9 shot challenge... Its easy to tell what that person is doing... Why can't, WGT stop this, Its not real hard to just through out those types of scores. I see it all the time. Better yet promote them when they shoot that type of score once they get to say a Tour Pro level.



  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Sat, Sep 13 2014 5:45 PM

    Hi Bill

    Atleast they are free tourneys your entering so not losing credits on these,apart from ball money of course,hopefully you do the surveys and videos never give this game a penny.

    Unfortunately wgt doesn't care about customers or customer support aslong as they make their virtual invisible ridiculously over priced balls fly off the shelves.

    If you stick around until tour master -legend you'll find your level here,until then sandbaggers are plentiful, either tour legends bored or tour legend legends who can't hack losing to better players.

    WGT welcomes all cheats sandbaggers and so on if they buy stuff,they will never stop it mate

    There are tons of better games out there


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, Sep 13 2014 6:10 PM

    This aspect of WGT will never stop. Has been going on for as long as I can remember. WGT has bigger fish to fry. I play to the best of my limited ability, once bitten by a bagger I make sure to avoid them in the future. Play with your friends and all is well.

  • Hewsey
    1,958 Posts
    Sun, Sep 14 2014 1:17 AM

    My opinion only.... join A CC play the game & forget about all the rest. If you take the time you will be amazed at the friendships you will achieve. 


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Sep 14 2014 1:31 AM
    He's in a CC.
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Sep 14 2014 1:48 AM

    Unfortunately the waters are shark infested as others have pointed out. WGT did bring in anti bagging measures, but this does not combat the multis, restarters and sandbaggers who play the system.

    Looking at your scores and ability (no dis-respect meant)  you would be ill advised to play for credits at this stage.

    Be active in your CC and make friends at the club that you can play with. Focus on your game and improving but most importantly, enjoy the game.

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 12:58 AM

    Join a CC will definitely be the best solution to compensate the deficiencies that WGT has to control "issues" like the one you exposed. Do not get tired of playing.

    Continue to so in order to create a gap between you and those who play to cheat.


  • Remoleo
    2 Posts
    Wed, Sep 17 2014 8:37 PM

    I too as a new player share Bills sentiments here. Its the same ole internet game

    cheats that dominate. I do play for fun and this wasnt really unexpected. But i have noticed

    withdrawls on every game thats a single play (ex. Brackets), they cant play a hole or round 100s of times

    to get it just right, so i find i have a much better chance of success on single play events.

    It would be so easy for WGT to limit this gaming and put most of us on the same course,

    simply limit the plays, like 3 times and or single plays for tourneys. It seems it would be

    that easy to change the fairness face of this game .


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 2:17 AM


    Its the same ole internet game cheats that dominate.

    Rem, there is a distinction between cheats and players who score low and have learnt the game.

    Yes there are sandbaggers and players who play the system - and these people generally stand out like a sore thumb, especially in the lower tiers.

    I understand your point about unlimited comps, but firstly, everyone has the same opportunity to restart and secondly, these comps tend to generate better revenuefor the company, and it is a business so unlimited tourneys will not disappear.

    AS for me, I would get bored restarting constanty, so if I start I like to finish regardless and unless I like a course or what to challenge myself, will not play unlimited tourneys more than a few times at most, usually once.

    As you said, just play for fun - challenge yourself and do not worry what others do, and you will continue to enjoy the game - and who knows, if I can shoot low occasionally - anyone can.

  • BKR1
    32 Posts
    Wed, Nov 20 2024 12:56 PM

    I hear you. The problem is that it is not easy to "play your own game and enjoy" when some  players, level 100 in a game just now, playing from way forward, with the same (or better) equipment is cruching you from tee. I think I became Legend arround level 90 ore something. But I don't get it. They are playing rounds arround 58-60, how can they stay at a lower tier? I mean..level 100??