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Re: If you do Surveys! beware !!!!

Wed, Dec 4 2024 3:15 AM (28 replies)
  • Lesthanpar
    1,528 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2013 1:52 PM

    I have been burned the same way by Qualtrics surveys at least twice, and am now boycotting them.

    I just did a Qualtrics survey on vacation travel for 120 credits and got my credits. There are several attention check questions you have to answer correctly or you get booted from the survey. I suspect some of the problems people are having is because they are missing these attention check questions.

  • CWilliams11
    136 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2013 11:29 PM

    I used to do Survey's and make a few credits here and there. 120-200 a good amount of the time. Once I even got 935 credits. But about 2-3 months ago I started getting zero to 5 credits most of the time. Once this started happening i stopped doing all survey's, they are to much of a waste of time.

    After reading this thread, I went and did 6 surveys. Took me a little over 10 minutes. I got 15 credits.

  • capmjh
    4 Posts
    Fri, Dec 5 2014 3:44 AM

    Also, stay away from Univox and Tap Research surveys. 

    Normally, if you get past the initial pick survey screen, if you screen out, you get 5 credits for your time. Not with these two! They keep sending you to other surveys, getting bits of info for free, and you NEVER even get one 5 credit award, although they have tested you for half a dozen surveys.

    Plus, recently, Peanut Lab surveys ask for your full name and address. WTF? Surveys are supposed to be anonymous. Like I really want these people sending me junk mail or looking up my phone number so I can get endless trash phone calls from India and Pakistan. 


    WTG should NEVER allow ANY survey that asks for name, address or e-mail info.

  • borntobesting
    9,803 Posts
    Fri, Dec 5 2014 10:43 AM

    Plus, recently, Peanut Lab surveys ask for your full name and address. WTF? Surveys are supposed to be anonymous. Like I really want these people sending me junk mail or looking up my phone number so I can get endless trash phone calls from India and Pakistan. 

    Most of the one that as for that information also have a button that says something similar to "I do not wish to reveal that information. Click on that button. And many times doing that you get to finish a survey that otherwise you might get screened out of. 

  • Adalverto
    1 Posts
    Fri, Dec 5 2014 1:40 PM

    I need to participate in order to complete my objectives. Best.

  • RENATA1904
    7 Posts
    Fri, Nov 29 2024 9:05 AM

    You keep saying you get five credits they give me two and that's it every single time the waste a half hour in my time and give me two credits when they said take the survey you'll get a hundred and eighteen or 209 not once have I ever gotten over two credits what's funny is one of the questions that they asked me on a survey was have I recently boycotted a company well I think it probably time we start boycotting these companies that are ripping people off get him the hell out of here cuz I sure as hell ain't Americans they are just punk ass thieves I would trust a crackhead before I would trust any of those survey companies

  • borntobesting
    9,803 Posts
    Tue, Dec 3 2024 11:43 AM


    You keep saying you get five credits they give me two and that's it every single time the waste a half hour in my time and give me two credits when they said take the survey you'll get a hundred and eighteen or 209 not once have I ever gotten over two credits what's funny is one of the questions that they asked me on a survey was have I recently boycotted a company well I think it probably time we start boycotting these companies that are ripping people off get him the hell out of here cuz I sure as hell ain't Americans they are just punk ass thieves I would trust a crackhead before I would trust any of those survey companies

    Look at the dates. Those pasts are 10 and 11 years old. And the company that awarded 5 credits was Peanut Labs and they are no longer on here

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,791 Posts
    Tue, Dec 3 2024 1:26 PM

    Look at the dates. Those pasts are 10 and 11 years old. And the company that awarded 5 credits was Peanut Labs and they are no longer on here

    The last time I got those 5 credits from Peanut Labs was 2016 IIRC. Can't believe it was 8 years ago already!

  • borntobesting
    9,803 Posts
    Wed, Dec 4 2024 3:15 AM

    The last time I got those 5 credits from Peanut Labs was 2016 IIRC. Can't believe it was 8 years ago already!

    Probably the same for me. The last time I got them I was waiting for Walmart to change my oil so I took a survey and got the 5 credits. Started to take another one and got the message something similar to this" You have been banned form taking Peanut Lab surveys due to violation of our T&C's " The only thing I did was take a survey in someplace other than my home.