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Re: **** Downtime tonight 7/30/13 ****

Sun, Aug 4 2013 2:59 PM (99 replies)
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 11:57 AM


    how do i get balls now,videos gone??

    They're still there for me. 

  • jayheels
    148 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 11:59 AM

    I love having this plank there to curse out for all my bad shots.

    1,265 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 12:15 PM

    i agree Cheryl ive also noticed that when ur putting and the ball rolls near the hole ready to drop in, it does a drastic turn off away from the hole. So what the hell have they done to the green

  • bigdaddie1
    2,694 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 1:03 PM



    how do i get balls now,videos gone??

    They're still there for me. 

    Only if you want to watch a 5 minute video for 3 stinking credits. If you still have the old carousel, which will probably disappear when you log in again.


  • Kindle2010
    602 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 1:13 PM

    try scrolling down the page, its under the new offers

  • Scoton
    174 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 6:48 PM

    It appears they have taken TightRope's suggestion from way back and changed the gradient colored meter to a solid color.
    What do you think about it?
    I think its smoother!  My prelim testing showed much less CPU being used on the downswing with the solid color.

    Still getting periodic 60sec friend updates and still seeing 60 FPS on the meter.

    I agree, my meter is much smoother but I have had some stutters too. I also agree that the remaining stutters are apparently due to activity of the Friends module.

    WGT, could we have the Friends and Invites modules removed or disabled during play? In multiplayer, this would only be necessary during our own turns, but for ease of coding, eliminating them entirely would be fine with me. Of course, to make the most players the happiest, it should be a Menu item option, with the default setting being for the modules to behave exactly as they do now, and the optional setting for them to be disabled during a player's own turns, perhaps only during the actual swing. Come to think of it, disabling Friends and Invites modules' activity only during the actual swing would be ideal and nearly transparent - no Menu setting needed.

    UPDATE: It turns out that my newly-much-smoother swing meter lasted for exactly one 18-hole round yesterday. Luckily for me, I used that round in the Michelin Challenge to post my lowest 18-hole score ever (62), and tie with 11 others for 12th place in the Tour Pro tier for the July edition. Then after posting the message above, in a half-dozen attempts to better my score, the meter gradually got worse and worse until it was exactly as bad as I remember it to have been before the update. Looking up the portion of the purse for my tier, the payout rules, and a few minutes of calculations revealed that if no one scoring lower than me is disqualified, I should eventually be awarded the whopping sum of 199 credits. That will almost cover the cost of the balls I used in July playing the Michelin Challenge. Whoop-de-do.

  • Tonto0206
    460 Posts
    Wed, Jul 31 2013 8:40 PM

    Friends are a ruddy nuisance to be honest. Their coming and going during a game is of no importance , so why have it.

    The sound is also the same as for receiving an invite, so one cannot differentiate between the two without looking, which again is a distraction.

  • adtjoel
    124 Posts
    Fri, Aug 2 2013 8:29 AM

    UPDATE: It turns out that my newly-much-smoother swing meter lasted for exactly one 18-hole round yesterday.

    Same here - I think I spoke too soon about the meter - played a round today, quit on hole 3 after having half of my shots stick or jump.

    The entire thing is a disaster, they should have made a client from day 1.

    Poorly thought out, how the hell can you use a swing meter on a web-based game and expect it to be stable?

  • adtjoel
    124 Posts
    Sun, Aug 4 2013 2:59 PM

    Been using it for about 1 1/2 years with almost complete stability.  Not sure how

    You are in the minority. most have had issues at some point.

    I did have very few problems until a few months ago and have had nothing but endless problems since then. I lost more than a dozen balls last month - I was averaging 2-3 every month before that - I barely lost any before I made the Legend tee.