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Re: Premium tournament advice/opinions

rated by 0 users
Sat, Sep 7 2013 8:57 AM (3 replies)
  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 12:58 PM

    Hi folks,

    I am seeking advice/opinions/thoughts particularly from club owners but also seasoned players and newer players.

    As you all may well know, i am in the process of setting up a new Country club.  So far, work has gone full steam ahead with the club website and we've been working flat out getting things ready and overall i'm delighted with how things are going. (would love more active members but thats a whole other topic)

    I am going to introduce a calendar of premium entry tournaments, both weekly and monthly and arrange them into two separate 'tours'

    The 'Satellite' tour for players of tiers pro to master

    The 'Prestige' Tour for players of Tour master level and above

    My question is,

    what are seasoned players prepared/expected to pay for premium entry tournaments?

    I understand that this would entirely depend on the amount of players entered and i would hope to attract a higher membership if such a 'tour' were to be succesful.

    Also, what would a lower tiered player be prepared to pay for weekly and monthly premium entry tournaments?

    Thanks very much in advance



  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 10:15 PM

    It isn't easy. You need to ask what members want, but even then you find out what they say they'll compete in doesn't always pan out to be what they actually do compete in. My club didn't use to have premium tournys and nobody seemed to want them but then a few new members asked for them so I put in a few. Some weeks they get a dozen entries but others it will be just 2 or 3. Reasons for this I guess are because of whether they like the course or if an early entrant gets a really low score so everyone else thinks that they might as well save their credits.

    Feedback is very important in clubs but a lot of people don't seem to want to give it, they just put up with stuff for a while and then quit, when if they'd explained what they weren't happy about then perhaps the owner could have changed things.

    Trying to cater for lots of members and trying to keep them all happy isn't easy and you need to realize that you'll never please everybody, just as you'll never get everyone to compete in club tournaments or post on your forum but you can keep trying.

    Good luck sir.

    PS. New members need to give a club a few weeks trial and make the effort to fit in. Too many people join a club and do nothing and expect to be entertained when really you only get out what you put in so introduce yourself on the forum, play a few club games and send a few friend requests, it's in your own interest.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Fri, Sep 6 2013 11:19 PM

    One thing you will always find in my experience is there is at least one member who is just a whole lot better than the rest. This member will clean up most times in premium tourneys, doesn't matter what the entry is, big or small, you will see the same names at the top of leaderboard.

    As tiresome as it is, the only way around it imho is to have tiered tournaments. You will have to be strict about punishing high tier players entering lower tier tourneys, as I am not sure you can prevent it, other than giving everyone fair warning what the penalty will be.

    I would suggest starting low at say 10 credits, then gradually increase until u see a drop off in the entrants. And have as much variety as possible.


    Edit a fun way to offer prizes in some, not all tourneys is to give say a sleeve for whever finishes in say 8th position as per the WGT rules, in other words if 4 players are tied 8th, then the first persion in that tie gets the prize.

    This is a nice way of giving out prizes , and not just having the best score count all the time.

    Ur gonna need deep pockets.

  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Sat, Sep 7 2013 8:57 AM

    I really appreciate both of your replies/opinions so thank you both for reading my post and replying.
