I was the first to be attacked by that person. The first was from someone that Wgt has already told me they are researching, in which that player put their real account name into the body of the message (which I sent to wgt), although that player does not acknowledge it, saying must be somebody else smearing his name.
Each of those accounts were created within 1 day, by the same person. The first on your list, the name is directed at me. The 2nd the same thing. I have been dealing with this *sshole in about 8 posts in the past 24 hours.
WGT is working on it, I have received an email from them saying so.
According to him, anyone shooting a score under 62 is a cheater. The persons real account (if you dont believe his story about someone smearing his name) shot a 62 as their last round, in May, and is a match play master, holds a 66 average and wins anywhere from 4 to 10 matches a day, most likely for credits. But you know, everyone else is the cheat. His posts to me, I delete after sending them to wgt always say how many matches and credits he is raking in. Pleasant fellow from the UK he is.
I counted 4 accounts all together, opened within 24 hours.