I'm after registering with toluna so dat i could get 450 free credits. But i havn't recieved any of the credits. Any1 know how i get my credits r does it just take a while 2 process?
Hey Mossy,
If you're having trouble with an offer, please fill out a support request from the offer status page here http://www.wgt.com/user/offers.aspx . This will send a request to our partners at TrialPay who process the offers.
Toluna have always paid instantly with me. Are you sure you finished the survey?
Maybe i havn't finished the survey. I was under the impression once ur registered wit toluna u get ur 450 credits. So wat exactly do u hav 2 do 2 finish d survey? Coz as far as i know i done it all! Wat exactly must u do 2 get ur free credits?
With this particular survey, at the end you are required to enter a code that has been emailed to you from the 3rd party. This code will be sent to your email that you gave to them.
MGA President
I just did the offer, and same thing...No credits, validated the E-mail and everything! Nothing is free! LOL