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Re: 3 click meter is nothing but frustration

Sun, Nov 24 2013 3:48 PM (18 replies)
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  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Oct 26 2013 8:21 PM

    I do like the idea of equipment restricted tournaments though.


    definitely agree on this point.


    WGT has shown us they have the ability to see whats in your bag before tee off...the possibilities are endless..i/e...


    Starter gear only

    no woods/driver

    Starter ball only

    No wedges...


    The list goes on


    Now that we know WGT has the ability to restrict equipment, I hope they expand on it within WGT as well as letting Country Clubs have the same options...could really wake the game up some.

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Sun, Oct 27 2013 12:05 AM


    I do like the idea of equipment restricted tournaments though.


    definitely agree on this point.


    WGT has shown us they have the ability to see whats in your bag before tee off...the possibilities are endless..i/e...


    Starter gear only

    no woods/driver

    Starter ball only

    No wedges...


    The list goes on


    Now that we know WGT has the ability to restrict equipment, I hope they expand on it within WGT as well as letting Country Clubs have the same options...could really wake the game up some.

    That's the plan.  Test on our tournaments first to make sure it doesn't break the game, and then move the same options over to CC's.  There are still a few tests we have to run on clubs, but hopefully sooner rather then later we will have club restriction tournaments up and running.  First one probably through the forums. 

    3 click meter won't be replacing any of the other meters!  Don't worry.  Players asked for meter options and that's what we did.  Didn't make them to replace the original.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, Oct 27 2013 12:17 AM


    That's the plan.  Test on our tournaments first to make sure it doesn't break the game, and then move the same options over to CC's.

    That is brilliant news, the ability to create gear specific tourneys is huge.

    Really looking forward to seeing this develop.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sun, Oct 27 2013 12:27 AM

    All good so long as it doesn't involve us in buying various sets of clubs or specific wedges  and / or drivers etc  to compete

  • cpjs
    121 Posts
    Sun, Oct 27 2013 5:27 AM

    Hi, WGT

     I'am wondering why there is no tournament that only can be played with the free ball?

    Should be a hole lot off fun and honest to everyone.



  • WGTicon United States
    9,916 Posts
    01-25-2013 9:22 AM


    It's an interesting idea but we generally do not like to put restrictions on equipment. I think it would work very well in a country club environment.


    Its good to see the opions chanching now
  • cpjs

  • Golfspieler
    1,614 Posts
    Sun, Oct 27 2013 7:12 AM

    That's the plan.  Test on our tournaments first to make sure it doesn't break the game, and then move the same options over to CC's.  There are still a few tests we have to run on clubs, but hopefully sooner rather then later we will have club restriction tournaments up and running.

    I like this idea of equipment restrictions. I played the 3 click tournament and was sure I would hate it, but the challenge was actually kind of fun. I could see lots of possibilities with equipment restrictions, anything that's adds variety and new challenges is good. I look forward to see what you come up with. 

  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Sun, Oct 27 2013 9:39 AM

    3 click meter is pretty fun to play with! Nice change by wgt. But the experimental vertical meter would be much better if it had the lines for your power like the other meters. 

  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Sun, Oct 27 2013 9:54 AM

    So don't play the tourneys that require you to use it :)

    I was wondering why the vertical one does not have any lises on it such as the 50 % line and what not.  Cool that they are making changes though and giving us options.

  • cblue456
    67 Posts
    Sun, Nov 24 2013 3:48 PM

    First time with the meter, got +6 in the Cabo challenge. Got the yips with a few 2 footers I'd normally nail with the 2-click method.  No gimme option then, eh?

    I'd love to see WGT do what LinksLS did with their games.....restrict clubs in bag to 6 or similar.  That would be a nice across-the-board test of skill.

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