Having equipment restrictions can level playing field. Not everyone has the best equipment nor do they no how to use it. As an extreme example they could have a tourney that you have to use only starter gear. You should try it. it is actually quite amusing to go out on a track you have been killing for months and use a starter ball and clubs and hack around a bit.
At the end of the day it just adds variation as well, not saying you have to like the 3 click and not everyone will, but they are just trying to mix things up. Gotta say it gets kinda boring seeing the same 9 and 18 hole tourneys week in and week out month in and month out. Only so much variation can be created with wind speed, tee box, green speed and hole location. Only 3 wind options, only 4 tee boxes, only 8 green speeds and only 2 hole location at most right now, some only 1.
What if you had a tourney that said you couldn't use a ball with more than 2 dots of spin, or clubs with no more than 3.5 dots of precision or no more than 2 dots of forgiveness, meaning people have to play for more roll out or less precise shots and think and strategize more
I respect what your saying but its just a thought and agree that there are bugs and issues that need addressing, but why does it have to be either/or. Why can't they fix those bugs and do some of this other stuff too. I believe this game and WGT has the ability to do it all, they just haven't yet and WHY? would be the more important question