Someone posted about the gimme button doing that (use the search box and find the post). If you're using the "gimme", don't, and see if that helps. Some advice, play practice mode until you you're ready for some clubs. Moving up, and back (in tees) won't help you at all. Play the best of 5's and 3's if you want some stats. In a few weeks, you should be getting the hang of it. The lower tiers have better scoring players than the higher tiers. So, unless you're a prodigy, you'll just be playing ranked rounds and moving up in tiers, and getting nowhere. 1st purchase: wedge(s), 2nd: putter, then driver, then some irons, unless you have enough creds to buy a full set. I made the mistake of playing all stroke play tournaments, and went from hack to legend in 71 days. At first, I wanted to stop playing, but have kept chugging away, and sloooooooowly getting some XPs. I still shoot under par, but nowhere near competitive with the talent on here. Heck, an amateur is leading the WT with a 56 or 57, and only one tour legend has that score tied, and the amateur has a 104 avg somehow. Odd, but that's life in WGT land. Also, Comodo IceDragon (based on Mozilla) has never let me down, or had a meter glitch (crossing fingers). Chrome and IE are horrible, at least on my end (AT&T dial-up with Windows 98).