CIB, play some AS rounds and get the fun back. Look at my history over the past few months, I got major burn out and all but quit playing. Every single AS I have played lately has been an absolute pleasure (win/lose). I'm with HP, he and I should pair up and be known as the LAGER LAGGERS. Playing an AS the other night I excused myself to go to the garage for a cold one. I brought in 4, 1 for each player. Seeing I had no way for them to share with me I drank all 4 during the game. I was toasting my opponents as well as my partner. After 3 AS matches in less than 2 hours I managed to toast myself. Damn AS matches are fun. This is my way of still enjoying WGT, may not work for everyone though. I would be open and very grateful for any tips you could give me during a round. Would love to get the chance to play a few with you, I am definitely one of the struggling old Legends.