Hi Kevin,
I'm almost certain you know all about Southern, the links we have with ECGA etc I've sent a friends request and am more than happy to provide you with any and all info. we're finalising the schedule for next season as we speak and it is very, very exciting.
you state in your search for a new club, looking for 75-150 members
Couple of points right off the bat...we aren't, and 'currently' have no plans to expand beyond our self imposed limit of 50(ish) players, however, although a smaller club intentionally in terms of numbers, i'm confident that the activities within the club and the high standard of competition will be more than enough to keep you busy pretty much every day of the week. we're a lively club with a very active and competitive membership, from all over, you'd find plenty of challenge here for sure!
As you are currently in a country club, clearly we wouldn't entertain any kind of invitation talk at this stage but feel free to pop over to the website, take a look around (major editing will be taking place this week as the plans for the new season are finalised) you won't be able to access our forum but it is very lively.
Anything else you'd like to know, drop me a line...