Ok, first and foremost, i want to thanks you all for the time you took to view the videos, and for voting folks. As you know, getting a vote from the folks on WGT is something im sure the members would love, and its why we do this. I have just counted the votes from our own poll, and from you folks here as well.
It looks like we are all in agreement on the winning shot and putt folks, and this is how it panned out:
Votes from WGT members
1st place goes to Cocncord135 (September) with 9 of the votes.
2nd goes to Twominusone (October) with 4 of the votes.
3rd goes to Afkinc (April) with 3 of the votes.
The winning shot:
This shot was also voted as the shot of the year by the UNCC members.
1st place goes to Afkinc (September) with 7 of the votes.
2nd goes to Cagster (November) with 6 of the votes.
3rd goes to Tnbanjo (February) with 4 of the votes.
The winning putt:
This putt was also voted as the putt of the year by the UNCC members.
Once again folks, thanks very much for voting. The boys will be delighted with this, cheers.