DaddysKat:ust make sure you load AdBlock and not AdBlock Plus if you wish to get rid of the ticker.
Yep, at work and couldn't get the adblock to work on the ticker, realised I put adblock plus on it.
pjctas0822: Everyone listen up...........If it aint broke dont fix it.
Everyone listen up...........If it aint broke dont fix it.
I use Google Chrome & Comodo Dragon, very little between the two.
Windows 7,
64 - Bit,
11.4.402,287 Flash (does the trick for me).
ScottHope: You can follow the directions in my powerpoint presentation if you like Michel, just skip through the slides until you get to number 7. CLICK.
You can follow the directions in my powerpoint presentation if you like Michel, just skip through the slides until you get to number 7. CLICK.
Thank you Scott
I just download the new version of flash player and use ccleaner just an hour ago.
My meter is not better, even little bit worse. I Don't have hope and will play like this with the stress on and the fun off.
Maybe your CPU is stressed too Michel (too busy).
ScottHope: Maybe your CPU is stressed too Michel (too busy).
Don't know, when i play, i close all windows
Maybe i need to find and old version of flash player working good for me but don't know wich lol
Others have recommended the Maxthon3 browser. I tried it and it is working much better than Chrome was.
You can check how busy your CPU is by calling up the task manager. Right click on the taskbar clock and select 'Start Task Manager' from the context menu or type 'taskmgr' (without quotes) into the 'Run' dialogue box on the start menu. Select the performance tab on the task manager to see CPU loading.