And what if it was even necessary to "cheat" to make hitting the sweet spot easier? The parallel between the physical demands of "real" golf and this online simulation of the game is terribly strained if "hitting the sweet spot" in real life is equated to the reflexes and musculature of one's index finger.
A prime example of where this parallel fails is in putting. Everyone knows that the one skill that old farts like me (66) have developed that keeps us in the game is the putter. But with the current swing meter at WGT, it's the teenager with lightning reflexes who rules the putter, and all other clubs for that matter. Attitude would seem to be: Advantage youth -- get lost, Oldtimer.
This online game should be a mental challenge, not one that favors hand-eye coordination and reflexes. It's game enough to do the mental calculus for what the terrain and elements dictate for the best club choice, power and shot-shaping (spin and draw-fade) without throwing in the "gotcha" of a balking-skipping swing meter, or for that matter, a swing meter that strongly favors the young over the older (reflexes), even young adults. Let me plug in actual numbers, percentages, for club selection, aiming point, power and shot-shaping and I'll whup any kid's butt. Throw in the reflexes gotcha, not a chance.
I'd definitely be more inclined to stick with WGT if I thought they were considering a downloadable swing meter module, whether it was subject to tinkering or otherwise. As it is, I've about had it with WGT and have already vowed that I've made my last deposit until I see such development either achieved or promised.