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Re: Advancing to a new tier

Tue, Jul 2 2024 6:58 PM (322 replies)
  • Tirlibibi
    8 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2024 10:35 AM


    I passed legend with 154 ranked rounds! It takes 500 more ranked rounds to pass legend tour and now I currently have 664 ranked rounds and 58.58 average score ! How many ranked rounds do I need ?
    Thank you for your reply

  • krystalblue
    241 Posts
    Thu, Jun 20 2024 8:45 AM

    Curious how a player can reach legend tier with only 2 ranked games played

  • SamSpayed
    4,933 Posts
    Tue, Jul 2 2024 6:58 PM


    Curious how a player can reach legend tier with only 2 ranked games played

    There's an algorithm for promoting players based on their coin game performance.  I'm sure the player you're referring to tiered up that way.  Unfortunately, none of us knows the details of that algorithm.