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Re: UEL Tour: Spring 2014 edition

Fri, Jun 27 2014 1:46 PM (149 replies)
  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Sun, Jun 22 2014 8:46 AM

    Corwyn, when I connect through my router I get bupkus in the prize column on any device-browser combo, wired or wireless.  When I connect through Verizon 4G I can see the prizes, both on my mobile and on my laptop using the phone as a hotspot.  

    Best guess is that the different service providers are hooking up to different WGT servers; one of them is synching to the DB properly, the other is not.

    Also, I'll recap my Kiawah round eventually, probably later today...looks like rain and plenty of guilt-free computer time!


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sun, Jun 22 2014 9:45 AM

    Ah, thanks for this post Ben. I thought I was losing my mind, but it's a relief to know it's not just me, and that there is a possible explanation. I'll pass this suggestion on to wgt.

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Sun, Jun 22 2014 9:26 PM


    I'd like to offer thanks and congratulations to Corwyn for yet another superbly run competition. Your dedication and commitment is unsurpassed.

    I didn't manage any good rounds in this Tour, only a 56 in a UEL RG at RSG in high winds during the Tour period - possibly my best ever UEL round. So my Tour highlight has to be seeing Ben's back to back 54s these last two weeks. This shows a level of excellence to which we can all aspire. 

    Thanks Mags! But it wasn't enough to catch you in the end.  I would've needed at least two more weeks of play like that - and frankly, I'm not capable of keeping up that pace for a full month.  Your 11 top 10s in 12 tournaments (with the lone exception an 11th place) and 7 podiums shows a consistent level of excellence to which we all can aspire (to borrow a phrase).


    My 54 on Kiawah was my best irons round ever, including flat-lies rounds.

    After a routine wedge birdie on 1, I held the green on 2 and sunk a classic Kiawah Corwyn killer for eagle.  Found the flat spot right of the mulch on 3,  wedged to 6 feet and nailed the tricky read.  I can't tell you how many times I've given back an Eagle on 2 on that green.  

    Played a safe drive on 4 and cashed it in with a nice 5 iron.  Missed a little early off the tee on 5 but still wound up close, though the 9.4 foot birdie putt wasn't easy because I had to rely on the forward view.  It felt really good to make that one.  Birdied 6 after an 8 iron dart.  Missed late on my 2nd on 7, which is a dangerous miss with plenty of trouble on the other end, but came away with a manageable lie and a lucky roll off an early miss to get close for birdie.

    I threw another dart off the tee on 8,  then got a crooked lie on 9.  I aimed right of the green and missed late - not on purpose, despite what it looks like.  I wrote "miss late still dart of the round, one of those rounds?" in my replay notes.  It wasn't, and it was.

    I  started the back with more of the same, yet another nice 8 iron on 10.  11 was basically a repeat of 7 but with an easier up, and 12 was a routine birdie from 7 feet.  The darts kept piling up, to 2.4 feet on 13 followed by what I noted simply as "OMFG" on 14...and now I'm saying OMFG in a different tone of voice, because I didn't get the replay (my notes have the shot on the 13th twice).  I missed the ace by a few inches, stopped barely short - the real dart of the round in the darts round of my life.

    Now I'm really starting to think about that elusive perfect 18.  Another slight early miss got close anyways on 15, stuck a choked punch on 16, then got another (small late) miss close on 17.  I was so focused when I sunk the putt that the Crystal Birdie Streak award scared the crap out of me.

    So there I was, a hole away from my first perfecto.  My drive was fine, leaving a slight downhill lie that's actually pretty good for that hole.  When I really need a birdie, I think of it as two chances to make one great shot - I can either stick it close or make a long putt.  I did my half-assed "math" and went with a full 6 Iron with half backspin, played a little towards the middle of the green and nailed it...but got more roll than I expected.  I went with the putter off the fringe, and liked the looks of it off of the sharp-breaking first section, but misread the slower break in the middle part.  No great shots on the 18th, and no perfecto this time.

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 11:22 PM

    Our final event at Kiawah last week saw another astonishing round from Ben (bhoese), who matched his -18 of the week before with another 54, this time just missing out on a birdie on the last for the perfect UEL round.

    Thank you Ben for sharing your fabulous account of the round above. I'm sure you're underestimating the skill involved, and exaggerating the luck you say you got! (I'm not sure what to make of the "Corwyn killer" putt!)

    Ben coasted to a win at Kiawah by 4 shots over javiertorg and BigKnight who shot otherwise very impressive 58s. Congratulations again to Ben for an incredible finish to the tour.

    In Legend tier mmyers0 grabbed his third successive win with a 61, ahead of five others with 62s.

    So Kiawah's round concludes the Spring UEL Tour. Below are snapshots of the final week tourney and the closing standings in the key categories.


    To see all the details view the spreadsheet, but for those who can't access the new Google Sheets, here are some snapshots of some of the Standings sheets here in the thread (note that they're only the top 35+ places, just what fits on my screen).

    Click here to see the full google doc spreadsheet; once in the sheet, navigate via tabs at the bottom.

    Right-click, open in new Tab, to see these images full-size

    wk24 Tourney: Kiawah scores:

    TL credit standings:

    TL 'Relative to Par' Standings:

    L credit standings:

    L 'Relative to Par' Standings:

    TL & L best 9 scores Combined Credit Standings:

    TL & L Combined best 9 scores 'Relative to Par' Standings:

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 11:31 PM

    Spring UEL Tour Winners:

    I'm delighted to announce our Tour Winners.

    In first place in the TL credits standings (top37 pic), reflective of sustained excellence with high finishes, is fmagnets with 2,163 cr. As Ben mentioned above, Mags finishes in the top 10 in 11 of 12 events (and 11th in the other!) showed outstanding consistency. He was some 400 cr ahead of Ben (bhoese) in 2nd place, with KonradOse not far behind, andKyRock75 in fourth place. These 4 players had 10 of the 12 wins in the Tour, and can expect to be crucial members of their respective Ryder Cup teams.

    In L credits standings (top37 pic), yours truly Corwyn finished top, but was left feeling lucky that it ended when it did, as mmyers0 was closing fast with 3 wins, lol!

    In the Relative to Par standings (TLtop37pic), the margin in TL tier was much closer, a mere 3 shots separating Mags and Ben at the top. An impressive 9 TL players (Mags, Ben, Konrad, Rock, Wontonamo, GolferDad, javiertorg, TallAcePaul, and ColumbusStorm), exceeded 100 under par across all the tourneys, while in L tier (top35pic), Corwyn was the only player to manage that feat, and had a healthy margin over nearest challengers in that category.

    Looking at the combined best 9 scores relative to par (top36pic), Ben does manage to pip Mags by 1, as his spread of scores was greater (his very best--the 18 under rounds--were better than Mags', while his poorer scores were worse than Mags' consistent excellence). It's worth noting in this category that the highest Legend player is only 9th in the list, indicating either that the TLs are just on another plane, or that the different playing conditions didn't add up to a level of equality (higher wind is harder than faster greens, perhaps?). Discuss, lol!

    I feel that despite its flaws, this Tour has set out a reasonably viable way to cross-compare TLs and Ls in a parallel tournament... and that focussing on Credits won and Overall Scores Relative to Par is the best way to go.


    As indicated in the post on page 1, the Tour winners each receive a 2,000cr value prize. Mags asked for sleeves from me for his prize, and I'm asking Konrad to send me the BB 3W. The third prize was as follows:

    Our anonymous 3rd sponsor's 2,000cr will go towards a sleeve each for the next placed best finishers in each tier's Scores Relative to Par category (skipping the players that win the respective Tour prizes above). [These sleeves to be awarded on this basis: 1. highest placed player in L tier Relative to Par (if not winner of Tour). 2. highest placed player in TL tier Relative to Par (if not winner of Tour). 3. next highest placed player in L tier. 4. If any credits left out of the 2,000, the next highest placed player in TL tier.]

    Our anonymous sponsor will be sending sleeves to the highest-placed players as follows:

    mmyers0 and lisalovesthesun appear to have tied for next highest placed L tier position, while Ben (bhoese) got 2nd spot in the TL tier, followed in 3rd place by KonradOse.

    If these players could indicate here in the thread, or by PM to me, their sleeve of choice, we'll get those sent off to you.


    Ryder Cup qualification update to follow asap in the morning...

  • lisalovesthesun
    185 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 9:06 AM

    A very entertaining tour Corwyn, ty for organising it. Sad I missed 2 of the last three weeks due to a holiday abroad but enjoyed it alot.

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 10:15 AM

    Thanks Lisa,

    Hope you had a great trip! You won a sleeve for your Legend 2nd place in the Relative to Par standings. What balls would you like?

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 12:50 PM

    Ryder Cup qualification update to follow asap in the morning...

    I've just posted this update in the UEL Ryder Cup qualification thread. Automatic team qualification is now finalized, with the following players making the teams:

    Team ROW:


    Team USA:

    (US team captain)

    Captain's picks (2 for the ROW team, 3 for the USA team to include Iconian) will be made closer to the event.

    Congratulations to all those players that made the automatic team selections, and commiserations to those who fell just short.

    I feel that this has been a fair method for coming up with teams for the UEL Ryder Cup event, and plan on repeating it in the fall or next Spring for future events. Any feedback, constructive criticism etc would be welcome. 

    Thank you everyone for making this such a fascinating Tour, and especially to those that battled away for RC places. In fact only 5 and 6 players of the top 25 in the Combined Scores categories were not also chasing places on RC teams, making this a hard-fought qualification process.


    I know it's not much of a sample, but participation in the weekly single UEL tourney dropped 33% at TL level in the first post-Tour week as against the average participation across our Tour. Perhaps this is contributing proof towards an argument for WGT to institute its own official UEL Tour with some increased purses...

  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 7:00 PM


    mmyers0 and lisalovesthesun appear to have tied for next highest placed L tier position, while Ben (bhoese) got 2nd spot in the TL tier, followed in 3rd place by KonradOse.

    If these players could indicate here in the thread, or by PM to me, their sleeve of choice, we'll get those sent off to you.

    Thank you, and thank you anonymous sponsor! I used L61 Nikes for the last three tournaments, and I'd be happy to have another sleeve.

  • lisalovesthesun
    185 Posts
    Fri, Jun 27 2014 1:46 PM

    Max be great ty, and ty to sponser too.