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Re: Hello and questions

rated by 0 users
Sat, Sep 18 2010 9:10 AM (3 replies)
  • irishosaru
    7 Posts
    Fri, Sep 17 2010 10:15 AM

    Hi all,


    I just joined a couple of days ago and am already addicted to the site. A top-class game (though I see some rumblings of displeasure from members obviously around a long longer and with a better knowledge of the game).


    Anyhow, I have a couple of questions and I thought this would be the best place to find answers (apologies if they've been asked before, I looked but didn't find answers).

    Also, I'll admit straight up that although I realise people can use real money to buy clubs and help improve their performance, I have no intention of spending any money on this site. I hope people can accept this. With that in mind....

    First, at the moment some courses (Bali Tai, Pinehurst, and one or two more) are off-limits to me, apart from closest-to-the-hole competitions. Will this change, and what can I do to get to play those courses?

    Second, apart from buying them, how can I get credits? I got 50 when I changed from hack to amateur, but is a tier-change the only way? Do you get them for winning competitions (which I'd imagine, with my WGT starter clubs and lack of experience, I have no hope of winning any way)?

    Third, ihas it ever been suggested to set it up so that when looking for an opponent for a match-play round, there is a category for 'amateurs only'? I ask this because a few times I've gone looking for somebody to play aginst, and the only members I find are tour pros and legends who understandably don't want to waster their time destroying me for 5 holes and winning 5&4.




  • SeabrookFlash
    463 Posts
    Fri, Sep 17 2010 1:58 PM

    Welcome to WGT.  First off, yes there are certain courses that we cannot play stroke play only closest to the hole. This probably won't change soon.  WGT is adding courses but isn't terribly quick about it.  For instance I remember when we could only play the front 9 on St. Andrews.  Then they have added Oakmont but we cannot play a "Country Club" tournament there yet.   Many of the rumblings that you are hearing from members are the result of WGT changing their tier system just recently.  Used to be hack, amateur,pro and master.  Now there are hack, amateur,pro, tour pro, master, tour master and legend.  Many folks were quite miffed when they found out that they were bumped up to a higher tier.  The tees got longer and the greens got faster and now with the system of levels,  you can be somewhat restricted in the pro shop as to what clubs and balls you can buy that will improve your performance.  Those who play for $$$ are much more concerned about this than those of us who do not.  Also there is apparently quite a bit of sandbagging that goes on in order to gain advantage.  Here again, since I am not playing for $$$ this does not concern me.  I live in a state where it is considered on line gambling and I am restricted to the free games only.  And thats just fine with me anyway.

    The only way to get credits without buying them is to take advantage off the sponsor's offers that reward you with credits but that still costs $$$ or you can participate in the surveys and get rewarded with credits that way.  I had no intention of spending $$$ but must admit that I didn't want to wait till I accumulated the credits required so I did spend some but only once.

    As for finding players with similar ability,  you might look into joining a "Country Club"  I'll invite you into our's right now.  We are a bunch of Christian men who enjoy WGT and there are a wide range of players with which you could play a round.  The name of our Country Club is " In His Glorious Name"  And that is the way we play this game.  I hope you find this helpful.  Keep it on the short grass.

    IN His Glorious Name    

  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Sat, Sep 18 2010 8:40 AM

    Irishosaru, for the cost of a few pints you could increase your fun, joy and personal happiness by 1000%.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sat, Sep 18 2010 9:10 AM

    You can also click on the WGT community link and choose which rank of players you'd like to take on. Then click anyone with a green or blue light on.