Hi all,
I just joined a couple of days ago and am already addicted to the site. A top-class game (though I see some rumblings of displeasure from members obviously around a long longer and with a better knowledge of the game).
Anyhow, I have a couple of questions and I thought this would be the best place to find answers (apologies if they've been asked before, I looked but didn't find answers).
Also, I'll admit straight up that although I realise people can use real money to buy clubs and help improve their performance, I have no intention of spending any money on this site. I hope people can accept this. With that in mind....
First, at the moment some courses (Bali Tai, Pinehurst, and one or two more) are off-limits to me, apart from closest-to-the-hole competitions. Will this change, and what can I do to get to play those courses?
Second, apart from buying them, how can I get credits? I got 50 when I changed from hack to amateur, but is a tier-change the only way? Do you get them for winning competitions (which I'd imagine, with my WGT starter clubs and lack of experience, I have no hope of winning any way)?
Third, ihas it ever been suggested to set it up so that when looking for an opponent for a match-play round, there is a category for 'amateurs only'? I ask this because a few times I've gone looking for somebody to play aginst, and the only members I find are tour pros and legends who understandably don't want to waster their time destroying me for 5 holes and winning 5&4.