Also these are the zong payment options,if ya wanted 10,000 credits you would have to sit there doing payment after payment.
Wow, you really don't have many Zong options do you? I can get up to €30 worth at a time and the exchange rate works out a lot better than the actual Dollar/Euro rate. It's a shame they stopped the bonus you used to get though. I think it was 1% or something of whatever you just bought was put in a PayPal account and you could cash it in whenever you wanted. I was letting mine grow a bit but they stopped doing it before I could use it.
Can you imagine how few options those poor folk on Ascension Island get?
Of course the US residents are going to get more chances to earn free credits, they're the biggest English speaking target audience out there so it's only to be expected that they have more opportunities available to them.
It would be nice of it were a bit more proportional though. I don't mind topping up my credits with Zong now and then but the chance to earn enough to buy a sleeve of Cally balls per week for free would be nice.